Constable Odo
Name - Odo'ital
Birthdate - Discovered ca. 2337 in Denorious Belt, Bajoran system
Birthplace - Founders Homeworld, Dominion, Gamma Quadrant
Hair - light Brown
Eyes - blue (maybe)
Best Friends - Kira Nerys
Parents - more or less Dr. Mora
Marital Status - married to Lwaxana Troi but going out with Kira
Children - None unless you classify Lwaxana Troi's newborn
Education - Bajoran Institute for Science, as specimen: 2356-63
DS9 Character Profiles
Rank - Constable
- Deep Space Nine (Chief of Security)
- Odo was chief of Security during the Cardassian Occupation. But after Star Fleet became owners of the station, Odo was only security for the Bajorans. After Lieutentant Eddington became a criminal to the Federation, he became security for the whole station. He's had strong feelings for Kira and finally now is able to show his affections for her. After he found out what type of creature he was, he didn't like his people and actually killed one. From that he was judged and turned to humanoid but after coming in contact with a baby Changling he became a Changling again. The baby obsorbed itself into Odo. At the end of the Dominion War, Odo returned to his people. In 2371 or 72, he married Lwaxana Troi because she was pregnant and she didn't want to be with the father anymore. The father's species at a rule, if you become a father you have to marry the woman unless someone else does and you lose all rights to the child.