In August, 2000, over 1500 riders took part in an amazing adventure in Alaska.  We rode our bikes nearly 500 miles, from Fairbanks to Anchorage, through rain, snow and cold to raise $4.1 million to benefit AIDS Vaccine research.  

On the following pages are some pictures of the 6-day ride.  It was a  humbling experience to travel on a bicycle through the unspoiled wilderness of our 49th state.  Although the weather was unusually rainy and cold for that time of year, the beauty of  Alaska made up for the discomfort of riding in adverse conditions. 

I have included Dan Pallotta's speech from the closing ceremony and a list of very special people who helped me raise almost $5,000 toward helping the Aaaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, the UCLA AIDS Institute and the Emory Vaccine Center in their research to find a vaccine.

Many thanks to all my friends who supported and encouraged me.  Thanks  to the members of Team DC - The Filibusters who worked so hard to organize training rides and  fundraisers, design our team logo and jerseys, to get us and our bikes to Alaska and back, and who are already working  to make next year's rides a success.