Good Connections Enterprise
"Connecting Family For Family"
Welcome !
Thank you and your family  for choosing
Good Connections Enterprise!

What's GCE All About?
GCE has been in business planning and funding programs since 1992. We have helped many families to reach for their dreams, to have a family business, to be successful, and also to build  their family and communities.
What GCE Offers:

Family Business Start-up Funding $25,000

Family Reunion Funding $5,000

Emergency Mortgage Payment  Funding $1,200

Services & Products:
Business Start-up funding opportunities for family business
Business Planning Services/Programs
Marketing Services, Referral Services
Career Placement Services
Financial Services- Mortgage, Lending, Real Estate, Insurance
Travel Planning Services
Telecommunication Products & Services
Much More to Offer  Your Family...

"Knock and the Door Shall Be Opened,
                                         Ask It Shall be Given to You"
Good Connections Enterprise
would like to do so much for your family

We Believe we are better than any funding source out there to start a successful family business.
We want to Enjoy your
We want to be a part of your
We want to be the Good Connections for your Family's
Good Connections Enterprise
(out of Indiana)

Contact Staff & Numbers:

Shelia Goodner
GCE Business Advisor

1.800.275.5336 Ext. 0377669

Isabelita Robinson
GCE Business Advisor

317.847.3234 Cell

Richard Robinson II
Family Business Account Manager

888.367.0379(out of Indiana)

Yvette Robinson
GCE Administrator

Sale Trainer

Family Care Specialist

                About GCE Funding Programs

   GCE has three (3) phases to each funding program .

Phase I
Instructions for Enrollment

1. If your family have a business plan  written, GCE will need to review the business plan via  Email or FAX  for Approval.

2. If your family do not have a  business plan written, please send to GCE Three (3) Business Ideas, each with one (1) to three (3) paragraphs.

3. Enrollment Fee $100, GCE use PayDirect from Yahoo, please click on the PayDirect Button Below to send your family enrollment fee.

4. Set appointment with three (3) Key Family Members - Call or Email GCE for the best date and time. 
Your family may choose:
Conference Call / Conference Online / In-Person Interview
(Indiana Only)

Deadline Time for Phase One 10 business days from steps 1 or 2 (above) after Approval.

Phase II
Family Help Family Program

1. Your three (3) Key Family Member will have to add seven (7) Family Members to participate and finish in this program successfully.

2. Refer three (3) Families to enroll in the Family Business Start-up $25,000 program, your family will receive the special gift of the month worth $300 or more- within 14 business days from enrollment date.

3. Your family will be introduce to your assigned Family Care Specialist, GCE Staff would like for your family to work close with our Family Care Department, by doing this your family will be well on the way to TRUE SUCCESS.

Phase III
Family Paydays

1.  A total of $5,000 - $10,000 will be deposit into a Buisness Bank Accoount the GCE has opened for your business.

2. GCE  Family Business Account Manager will make sure that  your business  will have everything it needs for success.
Good Connections Enterprise

Richard Robinson II
Family Business Account Manager
(out of Indiana)
Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm EST

Yahoo! PayDirect Accepted Here