1884 Births

Alt, Martin L. born September 22, 1884 parents: Daniel and Elizabeth Alt.  Aunt: Annie E. Alt. Living in Milroy district.
Alt, Jacob M. born September 09, 1884 parents: Alford N. and Susan R. Alt.  Living in Milroy district.
Armentrout, Sudie born July 1884 parents: Solomon and Mary J. Armentrout.  Solomon was a merchant.  Living in Milroy district.
Arenhalt, James E. born February 04, 1884 parents: Andrew and Eliza J. Arenhalt.  Living in Union district.
Amthour, Wm Eplilin born May 13, 1884 parents: George and Elmira Amthour.  Living in Union district.
Armentrout, Myrtle born May 12, 1884 parents:  Jacob and (none listed) Armentrout.  S. H. Smith neighbor gave the information.  Living in Milroy district.
Bain, Froni born November 16, 1884 parents: A. B. and Esslette Bain.  A. B. was a clerk.  Living in Union district.
Byrns, Harry born May 23, 1884 parents: Andy and Allice Byrns.  Living in Milroy district.
Bosley, Cornelious A. born June 1884 parents:  C. A. and Anjamima.  Living in Union district.
Bosley, Albert born May 1884 parents:  Philip O. and Florence Bosley.  Living in Grant district.
Bruce, Estella born September 08, 1884 parents: Santford M. and Ann R. Bruce.  Living in Grant district.
Bosley, Wm born August 31, 1884 parents: Frances M. and Nancy C. Bosley.  Living in Grant district.
Babb, unnamed male born November 23, 1884 parents: C. M. and Laurie Babb.  Living in Grant district. 
Babb, Roy C. born August 07, 1884 parents: J. L. and M. M. Babb.  Living in Grant district.
Babb, unnamed male born September 20, 1884 parents: W. J. and Mary E. Babb.  Living in Grant district.
Bosley, John W. born October 21, 1884 parents: John W. and Florence M. Bosley.  Living in Grant district.
Barger, George E. born November 09, 1884 parents: George B. and Elizabeth Barger.  Living in Milroy district.

Clark, Homer Wilson born December 22, 1884 parents:  Dennis and Louisa (Schell) Clark.  Dennis was a teacher.  Living at Maysville.   (Grant District.)
Clifford, James C. born January 04, 1994 parents: Jacob and Jane Clifford.  Living in Grant district.
Cornell, unnamed male born November 12, 1884 parents: Julius and Eliza J. Cornell.  Living in Grant district.
Clark, Zada A. born January 29, 1884 parents:  Jacob and Mary S. Clark.  Living in Grant district.
Cox, Warden Cleveland born March 24, 1994 parents: Isaac S. and Ann Cox. Living in Milroy district. 
Crites, Rebecca G. born August 01, 1884 parents: Daniel E.  and Hannah C. Crites.  Living in Milroy district.
Crites, George E. born May 04, 1884 parents: John Jr. and Margaret Crites.  Living in Milroy district.
Crites, Margaret E. born February 15, 1884 parents: Philip and Lucy Crites.  Living in Milroy district.
Crites, Adam H. born January 02, 1884 parents:  Daniel and Maranda Crites.  Living in Milroy district.
Craver, Robert E. born March 10, 1884 parents: Charles E. and Mary E. Craver.  Living in Union district.
Clark, Homer W. born December 22, 1884 parents:  D. D. and Louisa E. Clark.  Living in Union district.  
Crossland, Albert L. born May 17, 1884 parents: George T. and Provey Crossland.  Living in Union district.
Creak, Claudice V. born December 24, 1884 parents: John W. and Ida B Creak.  Living in Union district.
Cassady, Harrie Blain (boy) born April 18, 1884 parents: B. T. and Mary V. Cassady.  Living in Union district.
Cunningham, Kate born April 15, 1884 parents: D. c. and Ann G. Cunningham.  Living in Union district.

Dettinburn, Charles E. born October 15, 1884 parents: Augustus and Mary Dettinburn.  Living in Milroy district.
Deputy, Mary S. born July 22, 1884 parents: Charles and Annie E. Deputy.   Living in Milroy district.
Devricks, George M., born May 03, 1884 parents: George M. and Mahala A. Devricks.  Living in Grant district.
Develbliss unnamed boy and girl (twins) born March 20, 1884 parents:  George L. and Luvana Develbliss.  George was a merchant.  Living in Union district.
Duling, Homer V. born September 1884 parents: Howard J. and Lurenia Duling.  Living in Union district.
Duling, unnamed male born November 26, 1884 parents: Wm A. and Ellen Duling.  Living in Union district.
Dolly, Lillian born January 28, 1884 parents: Abijah and Ruhama V. Dolly.  Living in Milroy district.
Davis, B. C. (boy) born January 27, 1884 parents: W. M. and Maggie A. Davis.  Living in Milroy district.
Day, Meredith born October 1884 parents: W. C. and Sarah Day.  Living in Milroy district.
Dyer, Edward S. born May 05, 1884 parents: W. F. and Louisa M. Dyer. Living in Milroy district.
Dyer, Jane R. born June 1884 parents: Charles and Margarette E. Dyer.  Living in Milroy district.
Evans, Wm L. born June 16, 1884 parents: Joseph S. and Manda Evans. Living Grant district.
Evans, Olla A. born May 12, 1884 parents: Charles and Margaret R. Evans.  Living in Grant district.

Feaster, Philip S. born June 28, 1884 parents: Philip and Annie b. Feaster.  Living in Grant district.
Foley, Bessie A. born August 08, 1884 parents: J. F. and Rosa C. Foley.  Living in Grant district.

Goldizen, Birdie born September 30, 1884 parents: John C. and Virginia A. Goldizen.  Living in Milroy district.
Graham, Jacob born February 19, 1884 parents: Isaac N. and Manda Graham.  Living in Milroy district. 
Gum, John M. born June 20, 1884 parents: James W. and Nancy Gum.  Living in Milroy district.
Getz, Minnie S. born October 22, 1884 parents: Jacob and Percena Getz.  Living in Milroy district.
Green, Amy born May 14, 1884 parents: Harvey and Elizabeth Green.  Living in Milroy district.
Groves, Elizabeth M. born November 30, 1884 parents: J. B. and Annie B. Groves.  Living in Milroy district.
Gray, Jerry Martin born May 12, 1884 parents: W. S. and Ann M. Gray.  Living in Milroy district.
George, Joseph born June 05, 1884 parents: Jeremiah and Mary R. George.  Living in Grant district.

Hawk, Luther born October 25, 1884 Parents: B. E. S. and Pauline Hawk.  Jno M. Lee, uncle.  Living in Grant district.
Henline, Wm T. born December 20, 1884 parents: Jonathan and Mary C. Henline. Living in Union district.
Hull, Nora M. born February 12, 1884 parents: W. C. and Sarah E. Hull.  Living in Grant district.
Hott, Clyde B. born July 01, 1884 parents: J. L. and Mary Hott.  Living in Grant district.
Hyre, Minnie born February 1884 parents: Isaac and Mary Hyre. Living in Milroy district.
Hinkle, Sarah A. born February 13, 1884 parents: Isaac F. and Claire P. Hinkle.  Living in Milroy district.
Hevener, Martie L. born October 14, 1884 parents: Amos and Virginia Hevener.  Living in Milroy district.
Halterman, Barbara C. born February 14, 1884 parents: Nathan and Dianah Halterman.  Living in Milroy district.
Hedrick, Sarah born July 07, 1884 parents: John W. and Lucricia J. Hedrick.  Living in Milroy district.
Hiser, Rellie M. (girl) born January 02, 1884 parents: Jonathan and Mary J. Hiser.  Living in Milroy district.
Haslacker, Celia U. born October 1884 parents: John and Elizabeth Haslacker.  Living in Union district.
Hevner, Richard C. born May 12, 1884 parents: Parren and Ella Hevner.  Living in Union district.
Henlin, Mary Arena born April 23, 1884 parents: Joseph M. and Sarah Henlin.  Living in Union district.
Hesse, Laurie C. born September 07, 1884 parents: Charles H. and Cathern Hesse. Living in Union district.
Hamstead, Oscar B. born November 01, 1884 parents: Charles and Margaret S. Hamstead.  Living in Union district.
Henline, Gracie C. born October 21, 1884 parents: Elijah and Gertrude Henline.  Living in Union district.
Hipp, Frances born December 23, 1884 parents: Franklin and Lucinda Hipp.  Living in Union district.
Henline, Milerd H. (boy) born December 26, 1884 parents: Job M. and Mahala Henline.  Living in Union district.
Hyre, Eugen born December 15, 1884 parents:  Solomon S. and Mary A. Hyre.  Living in Milroy district.

Iman, Elijah M. born March 02, 1884 parents: James M. and Emily R. Iman.  Eliza Iman, step grandmother.  Living in Union district.
Iman, Clora G. born February 15, 1884 parents: Jacob and Ann R. Iman.  Living in Milroy district.
Johnson, Mary B. born February 11, 1884 parents: Zachary and May Johnson.  Living in Milroy district.
Judy, Walter E. born December 08, 1884 parents: Hiram and Mary M. Judy.  Living in Milroy district.
Judy, Jacob M. born April 15, 1884 parents: Adam and Mary J. Judy.  Living in Union district.
Judy, Elbert B. born August 04, 1884 parents: Jacob C. and Anjalina Judy.  Living in Union district.

Kitzmiller, unnamed male born March 07, 1884 parents: Hider and Victoria Kitzmiller.  Living in Milroy district.
Kimble, Manda born March 22, 1884 parents: Samuel L. and Elizabeth Kimble.  Living in Milroy district.
Kile, Joseph, born April 1884 parents: John Kile and Cathern Grim.  Sarah A. Lewis a neighbor gave the information. Living in Milroy district.
Keplinger, Corie A. born February 12, 1884 parents: Henry and Sarah C. Keplinger.  Living in Grant district.
Keplinger, Stanley R. born September 07, 1884 parents: Jonathan and Elizabeth E. Keplinger.  Living in Milory district.
Kimble, Mollie R. born May 02, 1884 parents: Isaac and Tena Kimble.  Living in Milroy district.
Keplinger, Homer B. born July 19, 1884 parents: B. F. and Anna J. Keplinger.  Living in Grant district.
Keplinger, William H. B. born November 24, 1884 parents: Andrew J. and Phebe Keplinger.  Living in Grant district.

Lyon, Emma S. born September 08, 1884 parents: John T. and Mary E. Lyon.  Living in Grant district.
Landes, Rebecca J. born May 23, 1884 parents: Andrew W. and Margaret V. Landes.  Living in Milroy district.
Lyon, Frances born 1884 parents: John W. and Polina Lyon.  Living in Union district.

Martin, Ervin born March 16, 1884 parents: C. C. and Anna C. Martin.  Living in Union District.
Mackley, Cynthna born April 13, 1884 parents: Richard T. and Emma Mackley.  Living in Union district.
Moreland, Emma B. born April 30, 1884 parents: James W. and Eunice Moreland.  Living in Union district.
Moyers, Carrie V. born April 01, 1884 parents: Jeremiah and Mary J. Moyers.  Living in Milroy district.
Mongold, Eve C. born April 18, 1884 parents: John A. and Sarah E. Mongold.  Living in Milroy district.
Mohler, Samuel B. born April 16, 1883 parents: H. K. and Anna F. Mohler.  Living in Milroy district.
Michael, unnamed male born October 1884 parents: Thomas W. and Rachael Michael.  Living in Grant district.
Martin, Ida B. born July 27, 1884 parents: Isaac and Susan C. Martin.  Living in Grant district.
Martin, Aaron L. born September 29, 1884 parents: C. C. and Marion Martin.  Living in Grant district.
Markwood, Charles B. born May 28, 1884 parents: George W. and Mary E. Markwood.  Living in Union district.
McNemar, Ida born June 05, 1884 parents: Joseph W. and Mary E. McNemar.  Living in Grant district.
McDonald, Bertha D. born April 21, 1884 parents: James W. and Annice R McDonald.  Living in Grant district.
Mason, Grover Cleveland born August 20, 1884 parents: C. E. and Susan J. Mason.  Living in Milroy district.
Myni, Ora (very hard to read) born July 24, 1884.  Parents: W. F. and M. J. Myni  ???  Living in Milroy district.
Mailer, Seymour B. born May 1884 parents: Isaac and Phebe Mailer. Living in Grant district.

Ours, Mertie B. born September 10, 1884 parents: John W. and Mary J. Ours.  Living in Grant district.
O’Brien, Mary E. born June 11, 1884 parents: John and Mary O’Brien.  Living in Grant district.

Parker, George Jr. born May 01, 1884 parents: George and Irolino D. (very hard to read) Parker.  Living in Grant district.
Pitts, unnamed male born April 1884 father not listed.  Susan Pitts.  Nancy Bosley, neighbor gave information.  Living in grant district.
Puffenbarger, Laura born June 18, 1884 parents: Cain and Louisa Puffenbarger.  Living in Union district.

Rotruck, Albert A. born September 1884 parents: Isaac T. and Every Hester Rotruck.  Daniel T. Grandfather.  Living in Grant district.
Rotruck, Homer B. born October 05, 1884 parents: David W. and Mary V. Rotruck. Living in Grant district.
Rotruck, Jessie (boy) and Addie (girl) bore March 29, 1884 parents:  Samuel and Nancy E. Rotruck.  Living in Grant district.  
Reel, Maggie born February 09, 1884 parents: Dennice and Mary S. Reel.  Living in Milroy district.
Rohrbaugh, Minnie born July 01, 1884  parents: John R. and Susan E. Rohrbaugh.  Living in Milroy district.
Reel, Sadie A. born October 27, 1884 parents: Albert and Susan R. Reel.  Living in Milroy district.
Roby, Charles Blain born October 15, 1884 parents: Wm S. and Virginia A. Roby.  Living in Milroy district.
Rohrbaugh, Sezmoria R. (boy) born April 28, 1884 parents: Solomon C. and Susan Rohrbaugh.  Living in Union district.
Rinker, Hamilton R. born April 22, 1884  parents: Daniel and Eve E. Rinker.  Living in Union district.
Rotruck, Emma A. born November 11, 1884 parents:  James H. and Nancy J. Rotruck.  Living in Union district.
Riggleman, Orie J. born November 11, 1884 parents: Benj T and Martha Riggleman.  Living in Milroy district.

Silcott, James T. born July 11, 1884 parents: G. T. and Mary Silcott.  Living in Union district.
Shirk, Rebecca J. born June 11, 1884 parents: Henson and Jane Shirk.  Living in Milroy district.
Shuck, Herman A. born November 17, 1884 parents: Eli and Ann M. Shuck.  Living in Milroy district.
Stone, Archie B. born September 1884 parents: Lawrence and Sarah V. Stone.  Living in Grant district.
Shilliards, Marshall born May 1884 parents: Jesse and Ada Shilliards.  Living in Milroy district.
Stump, Charles A. born July 01, 1884 parents: Jesse F. and Ann L. Stump.  Isaac Nailer- brother in law.  Living in Milroy district. 
Stump, James M. born July 24, 1884 parents: Jesse F. and Lavina F. Stump.  Living in Milroy district.
Starks, George H. born November 13, 1884 parents: R. F. and Anjamma F. Starks.  Living in Milroy district.
Secrist, Oliver born September 14, 1884 parents:  Noah H. and Hannah C. Secrist.  Living in Union district.
Sieviers, Oliver (boy) born August 1884 parents:  J. M. and Mary Sieviers.  Living in Union district  
Seiver, unnamed male born July 1884 parents: A. W. and Sarah Seiver.  Living in Union district.
Shobe, Charles I. Born September 05, 1884 parents:  Sampson G. and mother not named Shobe.  Living in Milroy district.
Sites, Hannah S. born February 11, 1884 parents:  Jacob R. and Cathern E. Sites.  Living in Milroy district.
Simons, Jacob A. born April 14, 1884 parents: Jacob R. and Margaret A. E. Simons.  Living in Milroy district.
Sites, Martha V. born March 29, 1884 parents: J. R. and Sena Sites. J. R. was a schoolteacher.  Living in Milroy district.
Sites, Jimmie, born May 06, 1884 parents: Sanford and Lina Sites. Living in Milroy district.
Shobe, Wm W. born February 19, 1884 parents: Martin H. C. and Isabell J. Shobe.  Martin was a minister.   Living in Milroy district.
Shobe, John B born May 31, 1884 parents: J. P. and Susan Shobe.  Living in Grant district. 
Stover, Benie L. born July 18, 1884 parents: J. W. and Sarah B. Stover.  Living in Grant district.
Stover, unnamed male born 1884 parents:  Wm and Nellie Stover.  Living in Grant district.
Stuard, Hattie W. born October 01, 1884 parents:  Daniel and Mary E. Stuard.  Living in Grant district.
Shell, Elmer Blaine born August 18, 1884 parents: Z.T. and Susan T. Shell.  Living in Grant district.
Shrout, Sarah A. born September 26, 1884 parents; John W. and Mary E. Shrout.  Living in Grant district.
Sions, Ann R. born May 31, 1884 parents: John W. and Sidna J. Sions.  Living in Grant district.
Stonebraker, Walter born April 13, 1884 parents: James D. and Allice Stonebraker.  Living in Grant district.
Sherley, Mary C. born James 14, 1884 parents: James D. and Alverda D. Sherley.  Living in Grant district.
Secrist, Homer born April 01, 1884 parents: T. F. and Frances Secrist.  Living in Union district.

Tucker, Eliver F. (girl) born July 06, 1884 parents: Charles A. and Susan E. Tucker.  Living in Grant district.
Turner, Oly C. born February 25, 1884 parents: Gabriel and Annie Turner.  Living in Milroy district.
Tucker, Walter born January 04, 1884 parents: M. B. and Laurie Tucker.  James S. Tucker- Uncle.  Living in Grant district.
Turner, Martin B. born February 26, 1884 parents: Milerd T. and Dianna Turner.  Living in Grant district.
Tettenburn, Louisa H. born September 1884 parents: F. W. and Ann a. Tettenburn.  Living in Union district.
Teter, Ollie born May 01, 1884 parents: Adam E. and Hannah V. Teter.  S, K. Nelson-Grandmother.  Living in Union district.
Thompson, Tarrie C. (boy) born November 24, 1884 parents:  Robert and Mary E. Thompson.  Living in Union district.

Vossler, Annie M. born December 04, 1884 parents: E. G. and Susan E. Vossler.  E. G. was a merchant.  Living in Milroy district.
VanMeter unnamed female born February 23, 1884 parents: Daniel and Annie VanMeter.  Living in Milroy district.
VanMeter, Isaac O. born December 25, 1884 parents: Geo. S. and Laurie V. VanMeter.  Living in Milroy district.
Vossler, Myrtle E. born November 01, 1884 parents: C. H. and Catherine Vossler.  Living in Grant district.
VanFleet, Minnie C. born September 22, 1884 parents: W. C. and Susan FanFleet.  Living in Grant district.

Welch, Sarah C. born June 1884 parents: Noah and Amy Welch.  Living in Grant district.
Welch. Loca D. born July 28, 1884 parents: Wm Olt and Adie Welch.  Living in Grant district.
Warner, Emma born November 04, 1884 parents: Anthona and Magdeline Warner.  Living in Milroy district.
Washington, Robert born February 1884 parents: Hiram and Bell Washington.  Living in Milroy district.
Washington, Carrie born May 27, 1884 parents: John and Delila Washington.  Living in Milroy district
Washington, Hugh H. born December 12, 1884 parents Joseph and Mahala Washington.  Living in Milroy district.
Wratchford, Mary V. born February 06, 1884 parents:  Wm Haslacker and Provie C.  Michael Wrachford was the grandfather.  Living in Milroy district. 
Weese, Hattie E. born December 14,1884 parents: Job E. and Susan C. Weese.  Living in Milroy district.
Weese, Mertie A. born June 07, 1884 parents: James M. and Dorcas S. Weese.  It said she gave birth to 2 babies but only one was listed.  Living in Milroy district.
Wratchford, Hattie A. born August 14, 1884 parents: George W. and Mary E. Wratchford.  Living in Milroy district.
Watson, Eston W. born February 22, 1884 parents: Daniel M. and Eletia Watson.  V. K. Watson- uncle.  Living in Milroy district.
Wilfong, Unnamed male born February 02, 1884 parents: James and Sallie Wilfong.  Living in Milroy district.
Westfall, Wm born May 10, 1884 parents: Joseph and Ann E. Westfall. Living in Milroy district.
Wilson, Willey born June 03, 1884 parents:  John and H. F. Wilson.  Living in Milroy district.

Yokum, Artie M. born January 02, 1884 parents: John D. and Mary C. Yokum.  Living in Milroy district.
Yokum, Bessie born May 30, 1884 parents:  George and Madeline Yokum.  Living in Milroy district.

Transcribed by Dottie Hughes!