Imperfect Pair

Before I was born
In two years
I had two sisters

I didn't know them
But they grew up
And lived
The eldest was full of gold
The next, as messy and night-quilled as a bird

They played together
In our sandbox with the shovel and the sieve
Sang silly tunes, the kind I slide as each second flies
Combed each other's hair and got into knots full of fighting
Over who was smarter, more beautiful, more loved
Or who would be responsible for me
Making sure I didn't get into trouble
Or getting me into trouble
When they felt like it
Because they were

My sisters
Were the two brightest stars
To ever live

And I imagined all this happiness theirs
Because they were stillborn

I didn't know my sisters
But I miss them uncontrollably
Each night I dream of going back to them
Tossing sand in their hair
Singing out of tune
The bicker/snicker/
Flickering of smiles in their eyes
The home in their hearts

If I could go back those years
And be there for them
To make sure they made it
Through the void
I know they would
Remind me of
The sister you always are to me