Texas Local Council Covenant of the Goddess

About COG

Content Page

Welcome to the Web Page of the Texas Local Council Covenant of the Goddess, the local WWW home page of the Covenant of the Goddess, an international organization of cooperating, autonomous Wiccan congregations and solo practitioners. We are just one of the Local Councils of COG in the United States. We have been incorporated in Texas since 1994 and are working to serve the Wiccan community in Texas. We hope you enjoy your visit and that you will find some useful information here; just click on any of the highlighted (this takes you to our "Content Page") areas to move around the website.

Here, you'll find information about the COG organization, as well as the religious beliefs and practices which comprise Wicca.


The Covenant of the Goddess was founded in 1975 to increase cooperation among Witches and to secure for Witches and covens the legal protection enjoyed by members of other religions.


The Covenant publishes a newsletter; issues ministerial credentials on request to qualified persons; sponsors a national festival each summer; and encourages networking nationally, as well as regionally through local councils.


The Covenant is incorporated as a non-profit religious organization in California, though it has grown to be an international organization. It is a confederation of covens and solitaires of various traditions, who share in the worship of the Goddess and the Old Gods and subscribe to a common code of ethics. The Covenant holds a Grand Council annually to decide matters which require deliberation by the full membership. Decisions are usually made by consensus.

Code Of Ethics


All information given to the Covenant of the Goddess or any of its officials is considered strictly confidential, unless you indicate otherwise. No information about members is published or given out without explicit written permission. Direct access to the Covenant's mailing list is limited to the Board of Directors. Maximum privacy is assured.


At every Sabbat the Covenant publishes a newsletter of Craft and Pagan news, original articles, poetry, humor, rituals, and announcements. Member covens receive the newsletter automatically. Individual coveners and non-members who donate a suitable tax-deductible gift will also be placed on the mailing list, to receive the newsletter and other mailings. Circulation is limited to members and friends of the Covenant.


An annual membership tithe is set every year at the Grand Council to cover bare expenses, based on the previous year's expenses and any projected cost increases. The annual financial statement is published in the newsletter. Other activities are supported by fund-raising. All contributions to the Covenant of the Goddess are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.

Applying For Membership

Any Goddess-supporting coven or solitaire can be eligible for membership in the Covenant of the Goddess, if certain criteria and requirements are met. All inquiries into membership should be sent to the National Membership Officer. If the coven or solitaire is in an area near a Local Council, the National Officer will forward the inquiry to the local Membership Officer, who will respond.

General Criteria For Coven Membership

Requirements For Membership

Full Membership: The applicant must be recommended without reservation by two active members of the Covenant.

Provisional Membership: The applicant may be recommended by one member, and then has a year and a day to obtain the required second recommendation to achieve Full Membership status.

The appropriate Membership Officer (National or Local) shall verify information regarding the criteria and requirements.

Assembly of Solitaries

This is the term we use to collectively represent the Members who are Solitaries, i.e. practicing alone. Each Local Council may devise its own standards for admission of Solitaries, in harmony with national guidelines.

Local Councils

A Local Council is a smaller branch of the Covenant, consisting of at least three member covens of at least two different traditions, in reasonably close geographic proximity to each other. The Local Councils meet at least twice a year and usually more often. They may choose to initiate independent projects, sponsor local festivals and workshops, and generally work together for common goals close to home. As the Covenant continues to grow, we encourage new member covens close to one another to form their own Local Councils.


When a matter requiring a decision is presented before the Covenant in council, it is discussed by the members in attendance until a consensus is reached. If a consensus cannot be reached, then a vote may be taken. A coven holding a current Full Membership is entitled to one vote. Each such coven also holds the power to veto, though this is exercised only in extreme cases. A coven with Provisional Membership is entitled to one vote, but does not hold veto power.

An Assembly of Solitaries is entitled to one vote if, and only if, three individuals are physically present at council and unanimous in their choice of vote.

Ministerial Credentials

In order to be eligible to receive Ministerial Credentials as a Priestess or Priest, a person shall:
  1. Be an active member of a coven which is a Full Member of the Covenant.
  2. Have been "confirmed" to taking on the full commitment to the requirements of that coven's Tradition of our religion.
  3. Have undergone at least a full year of active training for the ministry of that Tradition.
These credentials shall remain valid only so long as the person remains an active member of a coven which remains an active member of the Covenant.

In order to be eligible to receive Ministerial Credentials as an Elder, a person shall:

  1. Satisfy 2) and 3) above.
  2. Have undergone an additional full year of active training for the ministry.
  3. Be fully able to form a coven, admit members, and train them in the tenets and practices of that Tradition.
These credentials must be renewed each year; the National Credentials Officer can provide more details.

"MerryMeet" - The National Festival

The annual Grand Council or national business meeting is held as part of MerryMeet, our annual national festival, which is open to the whole membership as well as Pagans and Witches who are not part of the Covenant. The festival is usually held at a secluded campground or resort, and moves to a different area of the country each summer. In addition to the council meeting, the program includes workshops on aspects of the Craft, concerts, a potluck feast, a talent show, and the opportunity to purchase (or barter for) art, crafts, and ritual tools by Pagan artisans. Registration information is available from the Second Officer.

For More Information

If you would like more information about COG, please refer to our Contact Page. If you are interested in our Local Council then email us at Texas@cog.org. Or you can write to us at: Texas Local Council, 4020 N. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 122-191, Irving, TX 75038. Please be sure and visit our Content Page.

Go to the Texas Local Council of COG Welcome Page.

This information reprinted with permission by the National Net Coordinator, Covenant of the Goddess and is copyrighted in the United States of America. Please ask permission if you want to use any of the information or logos contained herein. All rights reserved. These pages were created on March 16, 1998.

This website is maintained by Chuck Peart, Texas Local Council Covenant of the Goddess. Last updated December 29, 1999.

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