+++The FliP DuDE+++

Name:Gilbert C. Tumaliuan
Age: 14
Height: 5'7"
Birthday: May 7
Birthplace: Houston, TX
Star Sign: Taurus
Birthstone: Emerald
Shoe Size: 12

Elementary: Briargate Elementary School(K-5)
Secondary: Christa McAuliffe Middle School(6-8)
High School: *Thurgood Marshall High(9, 10, 11, 12)
College: *University of Houston*(Future)

*may be subject to change

Food: Pizza
Drink: Water
Movie: Napolean Dynamite
Cartoon: Family Guy
Music: Any, but mostly Alternative/Indie Rock right at this moment
Subject: IPC
Place: Home
Colour: Any
Card Game: BS
Sport: -

I Like:
* being right sometimes
* chatting
* messy hair
* funny stuff
* music with lots of bass
* staying quiet
* fast computers
* shiny cars
* sleeping
* night-time
* staying home
* cold water
* being a nerd
* making friends
* blogging

I Hate!!!:

* too much homework
* procrastination
* lazy, rude, immature, or loud people
* thinking too hard
* mosquitos
* conceited, prissy people
* smelly people
* being late
* biased/ racist people
* reading long books
* junk email
* being sick

I Have Trouble:
* performing in front of a lot of people
* talking to people
* in math sometimes