Global Diplomacy Archives

Welcome to the Archives! I've created this web-site for Global Diplomacy Gamers to be able to 'relive' their old games. Each of us who have played Global Diplomacy are in one way or another addicts to the game and love to recount our favorite games.
It is my hope that people will contribute to the archive in order for it to expand and grow and become an oft visited site that will hold a small page of history in this corner of the internet in tribute to Doug Greening's wonderful E-mail game.

The original archive was created back in 1998 by Greg Maguire. Sadly his pages no longer exist on the internet so I offer forward this series of pages to pick up where he left off.

My thanks to people such as Rene Bisson, PS Gear, Niklas Lagergren and of course Doug Greening for contributing game reports, share-ware and the time to run these great games!

-Richard Woo
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