Pastoral canidates You May Want To Look Into

Lucifer: Started his career as the Minister of Music in the highest places. Is extremely gifted in music, and is the original motivator of Contemporary Christian Music and Rock Music in the churches. Was unjustly fired from his position for trying to merely be like God. Thereafter; he has had the highest recommendations of many institutions which he himself founded, such as, the Freemasons, Druid Christianity, The Jesuit Order, Opus Dei, Promise Keepers, the Brownsville River of Renewal which he still inspires, many large denominations, such as the United Methodist Church, the Episcopal Church, and the Southern Baptist Convention which he staffed with his Masonic co-workers. He has about 6000 years of experience with motivating Human relations from the lowest places, to the Royal Family of Great Britain, Nancy Reagan, and Hillary Clinton. In recent times, Billy Graham has approved of Lucifer's ministry among Buddhists, stating that they will be going to heaven also. He comes with uncountable ministers of light and truth who help him wherever he goes. This candidate would of course be our first choice. Our pulpit committee is trying to make contact with Lucifer if per chance he would be willing to pastor our church. His highly placed heritage may preclude his coming to our small congregation. An old crank on the pulpit committee claims Lucifer is already pastoring our church, which is of course preposterous, since we cannot see him anywhere in our midst.