
Firstly consider why you wish to do it. Some rerasons people give for wanting to produce a litter are : “It would be good for the children”…‘the bitch needs it’…’ We will make lots of money’...All these are the wrong reasons to breed a litter of pups. If you are not a person who has spent many years if not showing & breeding but closely associated with the breed and its requirements and the pitfalls and problems that go with breeding (in this case a giant breed) can you be sure you will know what to do when the time comes?. What if your bitch is in trouble..will you know how to identify these problems and get her attention in time to save the puppies, if not her life?? Many people just asume they wake up in the morning and there is the litter...well in some cases, this may be so, but not always...first time mothers can panic, either accidently or deliberately killing offspring. What if she requires a ceasarian. Will you know if she needs one, will you be prepared to get a vet out in the middle of the night..and to pay the rather large price for his services??(remember..the bigger the dog, the more you pay)

If your idea is to make money...imagine how these little setbacks will erode your profit!..but wait, there’s more...If you plan to do a good job rearing these pups, apart from making sure mother is fed well, when they are weaned, they too must be fed well, wormed regularly, vaccinated before they leave you, which means this is all more expense. Cut corners and you are risking not only creating weedy puppies, but possibly risking sick ones too. As these pups are soon going to be for sale, are you prepared to sell them in this condition.? As a vendor of puppies bred this way you are hardly going to corner the market. Given a choice many people will seek out reputatable breeders who have the knowledge to back them and have taken a lot of time and effort and SPENT money trying to improve the breed. It is worth noting that these breeders have cornered the market when it comes to top cliental , and if it comes to that ,top prices. These breeders earn their reputation for many years of involvement and contribution to the breed, and sell puppies through word of mouth, rarely if ever needing to advertize their stock. A ‘backyard’ breeder will never compete with them, therefore is relegated to the bottom of the pile with the rest who breed for the wrong reasons, and must compete with them for the sale.Those who buy pups from these vendors are usually very uninformed, and it is the blind leading the blind. In many cases., people who breed these puppies are not prepared to take one back if there is a problem.They are certainly not prepared to give back money. In this day and age where litigation is far more common a route for dissatified customers, is it worth taking the risk doing something you don’t know much about and that can back fire on you? If you mate the wrong bloodlines together, you can very easily end up with temperment problems or health problems, not to mention giving the wrong feeding advice that can also lead to serious problems .People who breed dogs this way are hardly likely to worry were their puppies end up. It is a case of getting rid of them as fast as they can, with no considering the quality of the homes these poor wee ones will end up in. Many realise too late that their grand plan to make a profit has come to an expensive end as they are left ‘holding the baby’ as it were, when they realize they are not selling the pups as quickly as they thought, and these little pups are growing into unruly, eating machines.. Can you imagine putting 14 week old puppies to sleep??Not a nice you end up reducing the price or in some cases giving them away free...hardly profitable!!

The bottom line is...if you are tempted to breed then give the afore mentioned some serious thought. If you still think you would like to be involved in this it may be a better idea to connect with a good breeder and do it through them, perhaps a bitch on breeders terms, you then at least have a chance to be well informed and have help at hand, not to mention the likelyhood of a well bred dog and the breeders knowledge to hopefully match her up properly.

Remember there is nothing good about churning out puppies that will simply top up an overflowing pet market with badly bred ‘purebred’ & cross bred dogs, and in this case especially, a breed that is more specialized, harder to rear and not as popular as many smaller breeds.

People who breed dogs solely for the dollar are doing the dog world a great deal of harm, and it is worth searching your concience as to wether you wish to do it the right way, or not at all. Leave it to those who are dedicated to the breed as lovers and guardians of it,, or get involved in a way that can give you more knowledge and experience before you attempt to breed.
