The BlueGrass Grotto

Meeting Minutes October 2003


October 21, 2003


The October meeting of the BGG was brought to order by president Randy Paylor at 7:50 P.M.   Eighteen grotto members were present.   

Grotto Business

Old Business

Randy reported that the Blowing cave survey started out well with plenty of large passage.    Eventually, it went to 20 ft wide and 1 ft high.    This cave is still blowing air from the last point of exploration.    Randy's maps indicate about 2.7 miles of passage but considerably more needs to be surveyed.    The cave has been know since the 1950's but the survey is still not complete.   This cave has been a BGG project for a few years now.    Randy would like to get the survey completed in time to publish the map for the 2005 convention.


Vertical Workshop

Nothing new to report on Crystal Cave but Warren Moore noted some activity near the site.


There is no news yet on our application to the Sara Corrie Fund.


New Business

John Cole and Randy Paylor are working on compiling a new, accurate membership list.


Treasurer's Report

John Cole did not have a detailed treasurer's report available but noted that the grotto had a balance of $270.23 in the checking account.   John said the we had three new members join the grotto.

John expressed concerns about the lack of revenue generation activities for the grotto.    Currently, our only source of income is through membership dues.    John asked that everyone start thinking about was to generate revenue for the grotto.


Membership dues are up for renewal at the January meeting.


The Annual picnic will replace the August meeting on the 19th of next month and will be held at Jacobson Park in Lexington.    The picnic will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the pavilion. The Grotto will provide the hamburgers and hotdogs and members can bring a covered dish.

Hilary still needs articles and trip reports for the KY Caver.

John Cole wanted to remind everyone that this years conservation project for OVR will conclude on September 19-21 at Carcass Crypt Cave in Indiana.    Camping will be available near the cave for those participating in the project.    The cave is a 74' pit located near Mitchell, Indiana.

OVR Conservation Project 2003

Evening Program

Roberta Burns spoke to the group about the new cave exhibit at the Lexington Children's Museum.    She plans to construct and interactive exhibit and would like the input and assistance of the grotto.

KSS Website

Upcoming Events

Greater Cincinnati Grotto's Annual Karst-O-Rama will be held at the Great Saltpetre Cave Preserve July 18 - 20, 2003.

Check Out KOR 2003


Wells Cave Preserve

With no other topics to address, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.


BGG Website

April 2003 Meeting Minutes

May 2003 Meeting Minutes

June 2003 Meeting Minutes

July 2003 Meeting Minutes