I would like to thank Quincy Lesley, local historian and former Mayor of Cheboygan, Scott McNeill, Chief Executive of the City of Cheboygan and Nancy Lindsay, Executive Director of the Cheboygan Area Chamber of Commerce for agreeing both to be interviewed and quoted in this study.  Any inaccuracies in the transcripts or interview notes, however, are mine.  I would also like to acknowledge the help of Cheboygan Public Library, the Historical Society of Cheboygan County, the Cheboygan Daily Tribune and the people of Cheboygan in compiling this work.

Particular thanks are due to Dr. Les James, who helped to focus the research and to shape the ideas in this study.  His literary advice and suggestions about the manuscript were invaluable.  This study has also benefited from the advice of both Dr. Helen Walkington, who helped to form the research methods used, and Dr. Stuart Kidd, who suggested the key authors in the study of American settlements.  Any deficiencies in the methods used, the literature review, content or style, however, are entirely mine.

Thanks are also due to Theresa McConalogue and Candina Bedford for proof reading the final draft.  Again, any errors or omissions are entirely my responsibility.

Finally, this study is dedicated to my Parents.  Without their support for my decision to retrain as a teacher, none of this would have been possible.  It is also dedicated to my Grandparents.  Unfortunately, they have not survived to see me complete my studies, but I believe they would have been proud of what I have achieved.
