GAME ANSWERS: Links in yellow are newly updated
   ~ * ~ABOUT ME~ * ~
Hmmm about me?Is there really anything to know about me?Nah not really im just a 17 year old guy trying to have a lil fun.I am 17 years old and im from kentucky the blue grass state if anyone cares or didnt know.What do we do here in Kentucky?Not much we do country stuff like ride horses and hunt deer and stuff.Sound like fun?I doubt it.There aint much to do were i live so i do alot of online stuff like neopets and chatting and working on this page.This page is owned 100% by me there is no one else working on it so when you neomail or email me you get ME not some company of 8 people or 100 people.Well i guess iv talked about me enough so if you wanna tell me about you then just email me or neomail me and we will talk aight catch you later.