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Pearlie Duncan Walker's "The Battles of War"
© 2002 by Pearlie Duncan Walker

The battles of war, go on raging, though we thought it was o’er
How long, how long, before our people come back to our shore?
They said the war was over, many whooped and hollered....
But our men and women, are still fighting the enemy... Collared?

By a government who cares no more, raging to win office you see,
Though I am sure they think not, of the spilled blood, of the USA
When will we see them returning; when will children see mom and dad?
Some will not come home at all and it makes all of us so very sad.

But the war rages on each day there in the enemies sandy, hot field
Why are we there pampering every Country’s citizen That’s an infidel?
Where are the leaders children, wives, husbands grandchildren and sons?
Are they being pampered and letting the plain Joe go… just one of those ones.

Are you mad America? Lets get off our duffs and get red-hot mad…
Ask, if the war is over, why are our people in a place far away and sad?
I care if they don't come back, do you? We all miss them every single day
It said it would last two weeks, yet it has been months they've been away.

"The Battles of War" © 2002 by Pearlie Duncan Walker - Posted 16 Nov 2003

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