Welcome to the home of Gemstar Clan Gerbils. Our gerbil clan is located in North Texas, and while we aren't exactly established breeders, being more interested in keeping our gerbies for pets, we wanted to at least have a little corner of the web we called home.

Our clan currently has 17 members. We've been keeping gerbils for about a year now, and we are absolutely enamored of them. They are some of the sweetest little pets you could have. but then, I'm highly biased. :)

This site is mostly for showing off our little clan. There are so many great sites out there that have excellent info on care for gerbils and breeding information, that we're just going to put links to different pages containing those things, as well as links to the American Gerbil Society and quite a few pages with gerbil colours and genetics. I must admit, the genetics part of breeding is what truly interest me, which is part of why I spend far more time simply studying about gerbil genetics. I simply don't have the resources to do a lot of breeding right now. I don't believe in unrestrained breeding just to produce a lot of little cuties.

I also have a few pairs of gerbils available for adoption. They are all same-sex pairs that aren't meant for breeding (or at least, I haven't intended to use them for breeding) and I'm going to post pictures of them and information about them in case someone might be interested.

I hope you enjoy our little home on the web. And check out the links! I love looking at other clans' homepages. :)

Permanent Members of the Gemstar Clan
Gerbils looking for new homes
Gemstar Clan genetics
Links to other gerbil home pages