The end of Times
A scientific view


The bi-polarity of
Science and Church
with ...
The Truth  in the middle.

My name is Siegfried Willem Bok.
Born out of a family of medical researches, I continued the search into the labytinth of our suffering and finally found the clue.
Thinking was found to be the cradle of suffering .
As thinking itself is in evolution, our suffering illness and wars were found to be in evolution as well.

This  evolutionary process of suffering is not a constant or linear one, but  a logaritmic process and narrowly related to Zodiac times and/or cultures.
It follows a predicted cycle of
plague [bacterial epidemic] > multiple organ diseases [all organ-specialists] > arteriosclerosis > cancer > AIDS [viral epidemic] > war [self-destruction].
It is first of all a mental desease and secondly  a physical one
Both are equal cycles of suffering, however we experience them oppositely.
For that reason we fight for individuality, but fight against a cell that found the way back to independancy [= a cancercell].
For that simple reason we are in the spell of luxery and created a cancerous aidsing society, however we see that everything goes wrong.
For that simpe reason we fight now against
"terrorists", however we terrorize everything  to become even more rich than we already are.
It is the mental illness which create enemies everywhere.

Unfortunately it is history that repeats untill the end of our days and metaphorically described as "Pride before the Fall".
Previously such a culture not only destroid itself, but owing to over-growth during the mental cancer-phase it even destroid nature as well. It still was a local destruction.
During time the cultures grew in size as well
Unfortunately  we now celebrate one huge word-society and consequently... 

Owing to this seach of many decades, I had no other conclusion left than...

We live at the predicted end of our existence.

Wasn't it predicted that the end of times was present when west should meet east again.
In several books and many stories elsewhere on internet an explanation was given why cultures disppear and new ones are appearing west of the previous one.
During the last few years I wrote 1001  stories in the false hope that we should find the consciousness of "why we live in the predicted end of our existence".
During these years I lost this illusion for about 90 % and know that as long as our democratic cancerous aids society is not fallen down, our images of finding a solution will hold.
Nevertheless I made again a web because in this moment the Tower of Pride shows more and more cracks and the unquietness among the population is increasing rapidly. Will it hold for one or two years?
In my humble opinion it nearly can not be much more.
In relation to the previous web, this is a very small one.
It only is giving some insight about the ancient knowhow of the cycle of life and the cosmic reason for our seemingly useless efforts to survive.

 some more about this web