MY Hobbies

Some of the following I am still into and others have faded and been passed on but, at one time or, another I have enjoyed them all. With many more good times to be had. Most of my activities are outdoorsy which I enjoy very much I'm not one to just sit around and get fat, well not all the time that is but I do have a small lazy bone in me but right now it is in recession ;-) The wanting to do list is different ideals of things that have caught my fancy, and this seems to be a never ending growing list. One of my buddies I worked with used to bust my balls all the time because he would say “Oh No! Obed has another Ideal just some thing else that he will never do.” And for the most part I have had several that I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time and just have not gotten around to doing them yet. But some day, some day, I tell you. They will be done! If you see any thing here that sparks a interest in you or it is something that you maybe into as well, get a hold of me and we can hook up some time. Enjoy, Obed

Have Done/Still Doing

Rock Climbing Repelling MT Biking Rollerblading
Guitar Sking/Snowboarding Snorkeling Canoeing
Camping 10. 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16.

Wanting To Do!

1.a 2.a 3.a 4.a
5.a 6.a 7.a 8.a
9.a 10.a 11.a 12.a
13.a 14.a 15.a 16.a

Rock Climbing/Repeling

Well let’s see I started rock climbing/repelling when I was about 14. My brother-in-law was the one who introduced me to the sport, and he is the one that I have to thank for several of my hobbies ~Thanks Richard!~ he is your typical Outdoorsy, Hippie, Nature, Type and is a real cool guy to hang with but, back to the subject at hand. All of my time spent rock climbing/repelling has taken place out of
Hocking Hills, Ohio it’s a nice little local spot in SE Ohio kinda small but not to bad for your typical weekend warriors. With my schedule it works out well and makes for a nice get away. Richard on the other hand is abit more of a connoisseur when it comes to climbing doing most of his climbing outside of Ohio.


MT Biking

MT Biking is some thing new that I have started doing in my quest to find some good adrenaline. Ok so I’m a junkie I’ll admit it there is just a rush you get when you realize that what your doing is incredible stupid and you could end up in a hospital or dead but then you think about and say “Hell let’s do it any ways”. Now I know my talk sounded all hardcore but in reality I only wish I were that tough. Most of my riding is done locally either through some public trails or some good not so public (illegal) single track. This is what I enjoy the most not the illegal part for I try to walk the strait and narrow but the single track is the best if you ask me. Just some thing about flying through the woods with only enough room for your bike and you if your lucky. Dodging trees, both above you as well as below, splashing through the creeks, and the occasional flipping your bike end over end while dragging your face across the ground. Doesn’t it sound like a great time? As with all my hobbies I am always looking for some one to join me or vise versa so if your in the area and don’t mind some slow Hawaiian holding you back give me a shout on email and let me know.




















