Gentlemen's Club


Apr. 7/2004: Check out the DirtFest page for information on this years DirtFest including the all new DIRTBOWL I.

Mar. 5/2004: Long time since an update. The GC has been pretty stagnate for a while but I'm hoping to get some stuff on the go soon. Check back often for updates. The new charter is up as well.

Oct. 9/2002: Alright I'm going to start doing work on the site again soon. We are also going to be structuring the GC soon. Check back soon for new stuff.

Sept. 17/2001: I think this new site will work on everyone's computer now, so look around, new pics soon.

Sept. 6/2001: At long last the new Gentlemen's Club website is up. Check out all the new stuff and old.

Sept. 6/2001: New Gentlemen's newsletter will be out on Monday. I need submissions by Sunday Night.

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