Welcome to
Gentle Wind's 

Welcome to my den.  My name is GentleWind.  I am not of 
  Native American background but, have always felt an inner strenght calling me towards the Native American way of life and their respect for Mother Earth and Her creatures.  I have always taught our four children to respect ALL of Mother Nature & Her creatures !! 

My name "GentleWind" was given to me by a very special friend named "ThunderWolf".  She helped my family & I enter into a new world.  And another very special friend named "Cherowolf"  that blessed us with our Kalli.  The friendship that has become that of sisters is very dear to me and they will always have a place in my heart !!! 

   This new world that we have entered into would not have been possible without these two wonderful friends. Also in this new world I have found another family.  This new family is as dear to me as my own family !!  I feel very blessed by the Great Spirit to have found new sisters and 
  a new family.  I Thank You All for helping my family and I enter into the world of the Wolfdog !! 

                          Thank You Great Spirit ! 

                              GentleWind ~~~

John Seerey - Lester

 Gentle Spirit - Gentle Wind

How is it that we come to feel
How do we come to know
The lessons which we all must learn
To let our spirits grow

And how will we for them  provide
A future for the world
A place for all earth's creatures
When time has been unfurled

I believe in ancient ways
The spirits will now lead
And now the same as it was then
Their teaching - ours to heed

Go - and find a tranquil place
Close your eyes - be calm
Feel now a very Gentle Wind
Brush across your palm

Hold oh so still and linger
Within this special place
And now as you look upward
Feel warmth upon your face

Listen to the sounds you hear
What is it that they say
A babbling brook - a howling wolf
Please give us one more day

Do not let this ever end
Keep sight and sound alive
For those who will now follow you
For they too must survive

You have heard the spirits
It is to you they reach
This now becomes your duty
Go forward - go and teach

When time began - this message
From Gentle Spirits told
Came carried by a Gentle Wind
For all to have and hold

© Brother Wolf  '99

This poem was written especially for Gentle Wind
Please do not take with out her permission.

..The Gentle Wind Is the Breath of God Blowing Softly Over Mother Earth to Cleanse and to Heal..

~.......Embrace the GentleWind.......~

Thank You Kat


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