Welcome to the one and only approved On The Terrace fanlisting!


On The Terrace is a painting by French Impressionist Pierre Auguste Renoir, completed in 1881. This is a place to gather together and admire it. To learn more about the artist, this site and this site are great places to start. As you can see, On The Terrace features two sisters sitting on a terrace in front of a beautiful landscape. The actual painting is currently displayed in the Art Institute of Chicago.

A fanlisting is a place where all admirers of a particular subject group together to form the largest network of fans in the world for that topic. This one is dedicated to "On The Terrace", a painting. Read the rules, then join today!

If you're a fan of all of Renoir's works, why not join our affiliate, The Renoir Fanlisting.


1. Please link a code back to this site.
2. Tell me in Comments if you'd like to be an affiliate or donate a code.
3. No inappropriate websites.


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Comments :



Members: 12

1. Cameron - Canada - www
2. Samantha - USA - @
3. Sarah - Canada - www
4. Brianne - USA - www
5. Roberta - Brazil - www
6. Jackie - USA
7. Katita - USA - @
8. Jessica - USA - www
9. Katie - USA - www
10. Valera - Russia - @
11. Kristya - USA - www


03-22-03 - FL launch.
02-03-05 - Members added.