J. Geoffrey Chase
This page is devoted primarily to my interests in engineering and technology and my experiences in that arena.  I do have one confession before we begin. My vocational hero is Wile E. Coyote, the ultimate engineer (IMHO).

Current areas of interest include, but, of course, are not limited to, almost anything with "high coolness factor". My primary interests are in the area of engineering design and research and I typically focus on the systems side of the equation. Some current examples of what excites me in technology include:

1. Active control, particularly using MEMS - optical cross connects are a good current example
2. MEMS device design - particularly in areas like biomedical or optical devices
3. DSP Applications for wireless or telecommunications
4. Robotics of almost any kind

So, you might wonder what I've done to improve the world, or at least myself, in these areas. The answers to these and other trivia questions are in subsequent pages. Certainly, I have
extensive experience in active control and MEMS based active control along with MEMS device design. A large number of trees were killed generating the publications that resulted, a short list of which is available. Over the past few years I've also spent a lot of time talking about MEMS, design, and control, as well. However, if you're too lazy to read all that the Readers Digest summary is available as well.

Just so you dont leave thinking that I never get out, I do spend a lot of time engaging in various forms of "aerobic masochism". The primary forms this means of engagement take, lately, are
jumping off perfectly good boats or solid land and swimming to shore and running from point A, several miles to, well, and this is sorta sad when you analyze it a little, ummm, point A. I also follow the stock market in the ongoing effort to pretend I can afford to live in the Silicon Valley and spend a bit of time researching stocks the Foolish Way. Otherwise, I am eating, sleeping off my aerobic masochism, eating powerbars (not really eating), reading too many books, or perhaps working too hard.

Finally, for those that just must know what I look like here's a pic of my wife and I post brunch.

That's all for now, cheers,
