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Geoff's Web Site

(And what a fine site it is)

Ice Cream!

I'd like to start by saying that this was created by me, Geoff Dawson, who's mentality is questionable.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I'd like to yell right into your ear in a loud & obnoxious voice about the virtues of my site.

This web site is a good place to:

  • Waste time
  • Download TI-85 Programs
  • Find Simpsons Stuff
  • Find Star Wars Stuff
  • Find info on the illusive GRiDPAD 2050
  • Put on your socks
  • And much, much more!

There's more to add to that list, but for now I don't feel like adding it. Have fun. Oh, and sign the guestbook?

Site made with Notepad, the Right Way!

"Huh?" You say, quite befuddled, "Why would anyone take the time to use notepad to make a site?" The answer is quite simple. Sometimes the old ways are the best ways. Those pansy-ass auto HTML builders have some things preset that you might _want_ to change. Plus, notepad is much more versitile. It can edit Perl, Java, HTML, etc. The button is linked to

On Today's menu...

| Simpsons Stuff |  TI-85 Section |  Star Wars Stuff |  GRiDPAD 2050 |  Tie Fighter | 
| Web Master's Resource Center |  Links |  RASSM |  Palm Pilot |  El Salvador |  Emulating | 
| Programming |  Chat |  More DL'sNet Stuff | Free Kevin | The Flying Trooper | MP3's |
| TI-89 Section | Zip Drive | Web Cam |

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Sorry that I don't have graphics for everything. I'm working on it.

Page Made By Geoff Dawson

This TIE Fighter Webring site is owned by Geoff D..

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