to the People's Republic of Zīrkę

This website will receive a major update/makeover very soon, please visit us again in some time. The update has an e.t.a. of 3 months, as of the 3rd of April, 2006. Also see the section 'site news' at the bottom of this page.

[Click here to contact the Zīrkęnian government]

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The National Flag of Zīrkę

The People's Republic of Zīrkę welcomes you! This is the official website of the Republic, presenting you information on Zīrkęnian culture & arts, governmental structures, military issues, diplomatic relations and tourism. The Republic is a socialist country, ruled by the principles of equality, freedom and brotherhood. Our nation is fully democratic, with the government and the Red Party, the nations ruling party, representing the will of the people. The Republic has a rapidly developing industry and a well trained and equipped army. Zīrkęnian agriculture produces mainly sheep, and therefore Zīrkęnian cuisine has the best sheepy food of the world. To experience this, visit one of the many fine restaurants this country has. Please use the blue buttons on your left to navigate through the site. If you're looking for something you can't find, click the button which represents it most. For example, if you are looking for "geography", click "maps". If you are looking for "symbols", click "flags". We hope you'll enjoy your visit to our country and we also invite you to visit our glorious capital, the city of Komsomol.

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3rd April 2006: This website will be updated soon. I plan on becoming active again in the Scandia game, since the game seems to have come to a virtual standstill. It struck me what a waste of brilliant web-content and such a shame for a game I enjoyed so much some years ago. I will start with a completely restyled website, which uses most of the old content, but of course with some updates - it's unlikely that the RPZ has the same president as three years ago. I will also post this message on the Scandia group at Yahoo!, and I hope we can revive Scandia. I plan on having the new website ready within three months.

8th July: Who is who section added - accessible through the "government" page.

3rd July: Zīrkęnian railway section added - see industry page.

2nd July: Diplomacy and industry pages updated.

1st July: Major Update part I: flags, maps (sorry Jake!), culture, agriculture and facts sections updated + technical updates.

21st January: O.S.P.N. treaty added.

19th November: Fact sheet added.

19th November: Map of the RPZ added.

17th November: Offcial Zīrkęnian cheque added. See bottom of "Economy" page.

17th November: More stuff added to "Flags and Symbols" page.

16th November: Air Force page finished. Click "Military" and then "Airforce".

15th November: Komsomol page (again) updated.

3rd October: Schedule about the political system added. See "government" section.

3rd October: Language page finished. To be found there are some typical tourist words and sentences. Also a part "how to pronounce the characters".

24th September: Flags and Symbols page finished; money and stamps online (see Economy page). Also see Flags and Symbols page for license plates.

23rd September: Komsomol page finished.

22nd September: Animation of the growth of Komsomol added. Click here to see.

Designed and created in September 2001

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