After months of not updating this site. I have returned once more to relate to all my wonderful fans out there. My successes and one or two failures (You know how modest I am) during the last few weeks.
I have managed to stop sessioning with beautiful mistresses and have concentrated my attentions on my first love.
Yes, you've guessed it. After being on the wagon for what seems an eternity. I have returned to drinking beer instead of lager. I think its an age thing myself, but what the heck.

Are'nt the Toon doing exactly what we thought they would do. Win some loose some. Why can't they make up their mind. I shall struggle on through life supporting the team of my birth. Who says suffering is only dished out by pro dommes.
The uk-mistresses message board goes from strength to strength. Some of the most articulate and knowledgeable of BDSM folk post regularly.
I myself partake in a little banter from time to time, never upsetting or annoying anyone you understand. (smile)

Have you noticed the girl above walks with a distinct swagger to the left. Never noticed that before.
Anyway......................time to practice my oral skills.
Open mouth....tongue stretch out, tongue sucked in. Lips big grin, blow a kiss.
tighten cheeks and suck real hard, poke tongue out and wiggle about.

Blimey....the things I have to go through to keep my standard up.
Another beautiful here