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The Fempiror Chronicles
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5.5
The Soul Keeper / The Black Rites
The Last Word
One Night
Ron and Julie
The Holy Bible - Teleplay Edition
Other Links


The symbols above read Nircolinel Fempirorelero which means The Fempiror Chronicles - or, The Chronicles of the Fempiror - in the original Felletterusk language used by the Fempiror since they became their own outcasts from the Felletterusk Empire in 1385. Many Fempiror actively employ the Felletterusk language, and its original symbology (since the Felletterusk never converted their symbols to the standard Arabic alphabet) can still be found occasionally when Fempiror sites are run across. More details about the language can be found in The Felletterusk Dictionary. Now, on to the scripts.

The Fempiror Chronicles scripts can all be found and read at

The Last Word (PDF)

The message board people on decided we wanted to play a game where you have a week to write a short script (no more than 20 pages). I quote: "You must write a short, dramatic piece about a funeral home worker. He has just learned that the body he's prepping for a funeral was a high school bully who picked on him. "

My logline on this one is: "A Mortician must face the ghosts of his past when he finds his next client is a bully who made his young life a living hell."

We had a week. I did it in four hours. Enjoy.

A Nightmare on Elm Street 5.5: Freddy's Triumph
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5.5: Freddy's Triumph - Revision March 8, 2005
The first time I saw Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, I was hopelessly lost in an extremely confusing plot. All the rules that were established and followed (to an extent) in the previous movies were broken in this part. Freddy continually got at people or inexplicable "dream-like" things happened to people while they were awake.

My solution to this problem was to create a prequel to Freddy's Dead. It hopes to give a little explanation to why things happened they way they did, and also hints to a backstory of Freddy so that the "revelation" of Katherine Krueger in Freddy's Dead doesn't feel so cheap. This is not intended to be a piece of high art, but simply a desire I've had since I watched Freddy's Dead and got lost in the mess it was. It also hopes to solidify the series in a way that no other sequel has done by recalling characters who survived other parts. For example, a lot of people want to forget about Nightmare 2, but this script uses it for what it was: a way for Freddy to enter the real world, which is basically what has happened in Freddy's Dead. And although many will not like the ending, it is intended to serve as a prequel to Freddy's Dead, so it could not have ended any other way.

The script also served as an exercise to myself to work with an established series, a strict guideline of rules and characters, and having to force the script to begin, end, and flow a specific way without it feeling forced or faked. I'd like to think I pulled it off.

The best way to read this is to either watch or review all 5 Nightmare on Elm Street movies which preceded it, read this, and then watch Freddy's Dead. It works really well in that context.

The Holy Bible - Teleplay Edition

I am in the process of writing a episodic series based on the Bible. Not just one story, but the whole thing. We start at Genesis and work our way through all of the books to Revelation. The series is designed for those who can't or won't read the Bible in its entirety, so it is free from interpretation offering only the raw stories and imagery. Yes, it does include extra dialogue and things not included in the Bible, but these only exist for the purposes of storytelling (filling out characters and such) and do not detract from the text, nor do they add any denominational meaning. How long will it be? Based on what has been done so far, the Bible contains enough material to go for several seasons. I will endeavor to post a new episode every Sunday until it's done.

Click here for the episode list.

The Soul Keeper - A Screenplay
I can't remember what it was that inspired this twisted piece of work. The story follows a detective called Kim Boggs, who is following the case of a serial killer who strikes once every three months and whose his victims all look nearly identical. As she looks into the latest killing she kicks off a relationship with an average Joe name Victor that she met in a local coffee shop, and with whom she is quickly falling for. Things begin to take a spiral when certain actions of Victor remind her of the killer. The question is: did he do it, or is she reading too much into it?

The Black Rites
Basically this is the second draft of "The Soul Keeper" revisited after about 4 years. During this time, the title found its way onto other movies, forcing a change. The script has been almost completely re-written to make Gospoism a living, rather than a dead, religion, and the Rite of Soul Keeping a forbidden portion of it: one of the "Black Rites". The current Rite of Soul Keeping is nothing more than a marriage ceremony. The plot and characters are identical to the original, but the backdrop is far more elaborate.

Vengeance - A Screenplay
Vengeace in PDF Format
Vengeance is a thriller started primarily as a screenwriting exercise. As I fleshed it out, it took on its own life and changed into a halfway decent storyline.
It follows a woman, Athena, who thought she had the perfect husband and the perfect life. Nothing could be further from the truth as her husband, a local college professor conducts special one on one sessoin with his students while she vists her mother. She comes home one week to find her husband and one of his students murdered in their house. Her life already made upside-down by this, other deaths soon follow based on names in the dead man's address book including attempts on her own life. After being put in jail for an evening as a suspect but released when another killing occurs, Athena is placed in a secure facility with the other victims, but the killer manages to get in there as well. Now the victims must protect themselves against the mysterious killer. Who is this person, and what is their purpose for this act of Vengeance?

One Night - A Musical
I sketched out the plot for this one back in 1995 after watching a movie trailer I wish I could remember. I revisited it back in 1997 and completed the story, music, and lyrics. I revised it constantly through 1999, when I attempted a production. Due to no cast, the production went no where. However, I still look over this one with hope and fondness. Although I can't present the music here, you'll get the idea of the story.

Forgotten - A Short Screenplay (pdf)
I have been a fan of long single shots in movies, especially Alfred Hitchcock's "Rope," which was filmed as if it were a single continuous shot. (Another notable long shot is the first 20 minutes of Brian DePalma's "Snake Eyes".) I also was desirous to try and film something, so I wrote this script to be one long shot in my house. All told, the single shot would be about 40 minutes in length with the camera following the characters around the house. However, my wife forbade the actual making of it as she did not want to have nightmares about her home. Oh well.
Did an update on this one on July 29, 2005. Now has two different endings.

Ron and Julie - A Musical
Without consulting the other writers on this show, I will elect not to post the complete libretto. Instead, visit the official website at This is the show that was written originally in English. I did a great deal of the major revisions to tighten the story before it was translated into Swedish for its performances in May of 2001 at a college in Stockholm. The site contains pictures and music. I may try to post some of the songs as we go along, but I think I'll check with my Swedish colleagues first because it's their work too.

The scripts on this site require the use of Adobe's Acrobat Reader. If you require this program, it can be downloaded for fee at

If you have any comments, complaints, praise, or otherwise, feel free to e-mail me at