Equipment Needed:      Dip Tank
Dump Tank
Six (6) Buckets                                                                
Fire Gear Needed:         Boots and Helmets 

Number of People:       Six (6) 

The course shall be 24 feet from inside edge if dip tank to inside edge of dump tank.  The course is not to be set upon any raised platform, including flat bed trailer.  The members of a team shall assume their position between the dip tank and dump tank with a bucket in hand.  Time will begin when bucket, in hand of team member closest to the dip tank (dipper) enters the water.  Team members may take any position between the tanks they wish.  All buckets, empty and full, must pass from hand to hand to each member of the team.  Time will end when the ping pong ball falls free of the tank. 

Org. Arizona Muster Association                                                                                                          Updated 1997

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