Tea with George and his Aardvarks
Tea with George and his Aardvarks


Cuppa Cosmic, Man...

George in Tea Chant Meditation

There comes a point in ones life where one reaches complete harmony, it may be different for most people, but hopefully everybody at least once in their lives attains this inner bliss. For me, its the Tea that does it, although I do find life a natural high anyway, but a nice cuppa Tea is in fact the path to nirvana. No need for boring drugs, altho the occassional tipple of a warm real english ale I would never refuse. I may be seen to be chanting "Tea Tea Tea" on my way to putting on the kettle, but this may only be crazed desperation in quickly completing the operation. The actual Meditation is the orgasmic sigh of relief delivered after the first sup. Peace and Love and Tea in Peace.

George balances Cosmic Cuppa duality

Theres an eternal conflict between, on the one hand, poor limey George and his steaming hot cuppa, and around 250 million colonial Americans, who, apart from that atrocity at the Boston Tea Party, continue to drink a freezing cold Iced Tea, which is without doubt a disturbing force that sends the otherwise tranquil universe into shock. So far, our intrepid George has failed to pursuade a single yankee into converting to Hot Tea, and his constant complaints have led to threats of being thrown in with the Tea in Boston Harbour. Charming!

George with shaven head and Orange Robes

I dont know if my Tea preaching will get so exteme that I might give all my worldly goods to some obscure Tea sect and dance the Tea dance in public places spreading the word and sacred writings of the all-seeing Aardvark. Or even if I may become an idolized Tea-Evangelist taking televised teabag donations from my worshipping masses. Presently, however, my philosophy on life and everything remains Tea inspired, that is, Turn On the kettle, Tune In your thoughts, and Drop Out of the Hammock.

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For Tea & Aardvark Lovers everywhere