Tea with George
and his Aardvarks
Tea with George
and his Aardvarks

Ye Olde
Tea Shoppe

Ladies, please indulge yourself with some seriously chic Shopping Therapy. Everything for the Tea drinking girl about town!

Expensive Tea Commerce

This Site's crooked Tea entrepreneur fully intends to take any willing Tea shop clients to the cleaners. Having said that, I do personally recommend some of the items for sale here, as all the profits, no matter how small, go to me. And I have a nasty little Tea habit to support, which costs an absolute fortune.

Tea-Club Badge

-Only $4-
Wear your Tea Badge with pride especially at Royal Events or secret Masonic Happenings. Quite an awful accessory but at least gets you noticed.


-Only $120-
Never go thirsty again with a plasma powered slightly portable boiling tea hat & mouthpiece. No-one will realise that you are secretly slurping gallons of that gorgeous gastronomy.


-Only $30-
Made from real Asian Teabag paper. Not weatherproof. Wear your heart on your sleeve, or chest, even. Complete with tea stains.

Electronic Teasmade

-Only $200-
Popular bedside item back in Britain, this gadget makes the Tea then wakes you with an alarm. Pre-loaded with extra-strong Green Tea, guaranteed to blow your head clean off.

Giant George Poster

-Only $10-
Close-up of George's worst features, made to measure the entire wall of your living room. Not the thing to behold. Great for scaring burgulars and doorstep evangelists.

Nice Cup of Hot Tea

-Only $6-
Wherever you are in the world, George and his henchmen will post you a lovely nice hot cup of tea. Cash on Delivery. Not insured against spillages.

Pet Aardvark

-Only $150-
This lovable little fellow, born and bred in the Tea club's very own Aardvark wildlife sanctuary, is desperate to find the right kind of family that will look after him and his ant collection.

George's Karaoke CD

-Only $5.99-
George secretly taped whilst singing in the bath. Around two hundred of Georges blood curdling screetching out-of-tune renditions of his teeth grinding howling favourites squeezed onto four ghastly CD's. Oh, the pain of it all.


-Only $20,000-
This Tea drinking, Tea making Terminator from the future is a fantastic help around the home and a dab hand at making a nice cup of Tea. Blasts unwelcome coffee drinking visitors with an Uzi 9mm.

Used Teabags

-Only $2 each-
George gives you the opportunity of reading his Tealeaves by spending a wad of your cash on the purchase of his finest dregs. What an absolutely revolting idea.

Cuban Banana

-Only $1-
Not to be smoked like its similar shaped cigar cousin, although many people do smoke bananas, except our George, who prefers to eat them. They go down extremely well with a cup of tea. Discarded skins are best allocated to ones enemies doorstep, with keystone consequences.

Police Badge

Only $20
If you were working for the SFPD, and you had the boss from hell, you'd probably resign, and tell him to stick his seven pointed badge up his posterior. Thats only my opinion, but as we all know, opinions are like assholes. Everybodys got one.

Dont Delay, Send Today!

Name and Address:
Credit Card details:

Warning: Items may not appear in the post.
Do not trust your cash to this small-time hoodlum.

To George's HOME Page

For Tea & Aardvark Lovers everywhere