I love America -Just not the military!
Welcome to my home page...

My name is George 'Morrison' Tamero I'm artistic, reasonably intelligent and an I.Q. of 135 that I scored on Tickle.com. I'll be 48, on October, 2009.
I'm an Inventor and work at Long John Silvers to save up the money for my first patent. I also have a certificate in Software Engineering.

...Here are some pictures I drew by hand on the computer, or both.
Click here.

I also have done volunteer work for The 'SMILE' Newsletter.
It started in 1999 and lasted until the beginning of 2008. We are no longer putting out issues but I had a really good time doing it. I was the Editor-In-Cheif. The web site I also created http://www.smilenewsletter.org will bring you to this page, at least for now.
If you want to visit this site again, here is the address. (Please be sure to copy it down.)

And here is some other stuff that I wrote and put in the newsletter (not the web page) in the past that I for one, thought was pretty good. Click Here

And sooo-oo How many of you can remember...?

The Starlost Aired in 1973, in the post pacifist years and cancelled after about 12 episodes. A show about the people in a ship so big that the three people, Delvin Racheal and Garth had to go 'space exploring' inside the ship itself. (I luved the theme song- and recorded it from the TV's speaker to my cassette recorder from the mic when I was a kid.)

...Some Old Time Music My Dad used to play the guitar (And quite well, may I add- i.e. and knew the famous Joe Negree.) Anyway here are some of his favorites, that he used to play in the band he belonged to and at home.

And so, here's my life, in a nutshell...

A Day In The Life of George Tamero

Some Cool Links...

Boston The world's greatest "Rock n' Roll Band", not only for the music they play, but for the values that they stand behind...

The Doors Second only to Boston-- Morrison died way too soon.

The Billy Jack Web Site Still not afraid to stand up for the values of the 60's.

The Carter Center Founded by the best President of our time!

geotman2006 MySpace Page My space on MySpace.

Annn-nnd now, You have heard all I care to tell any and all of you nebsh*ts.

. . . Still, if you'd like touch with me, please feel free to email me.


Click Here

Goodbye. (For now.) 

'There is no dark side of the moon, really it's all dark.'

-Pink Floyd

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