1 - 2

This auction is a tough one by any standard. If you play this as a game force you need 3 for the invitational raise, losing the option of supporting diamonds directly with some hands. This convention is a trick that can be used if you play this sequence as invitational only.

Responses with a weak notrump

Opener's rebid

  • 2: Unbalanced 5+, possibly min.
  • 2: 3-suiter with short, GF raise in or natural reverse (14+).
  • 2: Natural reverse (14+)
  • 2NT: Forcing and balanced
  • 3: Not forcing with 3+.
  • 3: GF, good 6+
  • 3NT: 3-suited maximum.

    1 - 2 - 2 - 2 (relay) - ?

  • 2NT: 3-suited , minimum
  • 3: GF, fit
  • 3: 6+ + 4
  • 3: 2-4-5-2
  • 3: 3-4-5-1
  • 3NT: 3-suited, medium

    Other responses to the 2 bid.

  • 2NT: 5332, minimum
  • 3: Long and not much else.

    Changes with a medium NT (13 - 15 / 14 - 16)

    The direct 2NT rebid now shows (11)12 - 13 balanced, and 3NT shows a maximum, balanced or 3-suited (1-2 )

    Changes with 15 - 17 NT and 1 not 18+ balanced

    Since you need to cope with balanced hands that accept a game invitation more changes are needed. I suggest:
  • 2NT directly: 12 - 13 balanced
  • 3NT directly: 13+ - 14 balanced
  • 2NT via the relay: Minimum 4441
  • 3NT via the relay: Maximum 4441

    If you need to include big balanced hands also it becomes a mess, so don't.