Tübingen Pass: A forcing pass system

This system is based on Weak Opening System methods and Prepared Club. It employs a 2-way pass that is either weak or strong. Opening bids at the 1-level require 17 - 24 Opening Points (HCP + 2 longest suits), 3 points less as the minimum opening bid in most systems.

The system is very balanced and all 1-level bids are very frequent.
Just to compare: A "standard" system passes approximately 55% of all hands, this system only 33% of all hands.
For a full description have a look at this Word-file If you like to use relays in the system, have a look at this description

The opening bid structure (1st and 2nd seat)

Pass: 0 - 7 (8) (0 - 16 OP) or 15+ (24+ opening points) or 18-20 / 23+ bal.
1 : 8 - 15 HCP, 4+ or balanced without 4 OR 15 - 17 balanced
1 : 8 - 15 HCP, 4+
1 : 8 - 15 HCP, 5+
1 : 8 - 15 HCP, 5+
1NT: 9 - 11 not 4-4 majors NV, 12 - 14 V (5332, 45m22 possible)
2: 8 - 11 (12), at least 4 - 4 majors (5 - 4 vuln.) or 21 - 22 balanced (Ekren) or GF 5 - 5 majors.
2: 5 - 9, 5+ 5+ in two suits not both minors (Wilkosz)
2: 5 - 9, Weak Two in or (Major Flash)
2: 5 - 9, 4 + longer minor (Velociraptor)
2NT: 5 - 9 or GF, 5+ 5+

Responses to Pass (Opening in 3rd and 4th seat)

1: 9 - 14 HCP bal. or 17+ unbal. or 18+ bal.
1: 0 - 7(8) any, or 8 - 16 unbalanced 4/5
1: 8 - 16 HCP, 4+ unbal.
1: 8 - 16 HCP, 4+ unbal.
1NT: 16 - 18 balanced
2: 8 - 16, 6+ no 4M
2: 8 - 16, 6+ no 4M
2: 8 - 16, 5+ 5+
2: 8 - 16, 5+ 5+
2NT and 3x: GF 2-suiter
3NT: To play opposite weak pass

(If their 2nd seat pass is forcing)
Pass: 10 - 15 balanced without 4
1: 17+ unbal. or 19+ bal.

Pass - 1 - ?

1: 0 - 7 (8)
1: 15+, 4+, unbal.
1: 15+, 4+, unbal.
1NT: 4 - 7, a 6+card minor or 16 - 19 balanced
  • 2: Pass or correct
  • 2: Forcing asking bid
    2: 15+, 6+
    2: 15+, 6+
    2: 15+, 4 5+
    2: 15+ 5+ 5+
    2NT: 22+ balanced
    3x: Extreme shapes