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                                                  Cabrini Bayou Bash
                                           2 Mile Spirit Run

Date/ Time:     
Sunday, April 9, 2006
Place:              1400 Moss Street, New Orleans, LA  70119  Phone: #504-482-1193

Eligibility:         The race is open to all runners, race walkers, and walkers.
Entry Fees:       To be announced.
Anyone registering the day of the race will not be guaranteed a t-shirt.

Register:          Turn in your check and registration form to Cabrini High School.
Preferred size guaranteed only if order placed before T.B.A.

Awards:           1st, 2nd 3rd overall male and female.   Walkers:  1st and 2nd place.
                       1st and 2nd in the following age groups:
                       6-under, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-18, 19-34, 35-49, 50 & over.
Refreshments:   T.B.A.

Please complete and return the below registration information with your check.

Cabrini Bayou Bash
   Checks payable to:                            Sunday, April 9, 2006
Cabrini High School
1400 Moss Street                   Please  check one:
New Orleans, LA  70119             ___Runner ___Walker
Please print clearly.        Phone #504-482-1193     

Name:________________________________________ Age on the race day:________

Address:______________________________________ Ph.#_____________ Sex:____

City: __________________________ Zip: _______________

Check all that apply:   Cabrini Student Grade:___      Parent___   Sibling __
                                Alumnae____Class of____     Faculty /Staff _____

T-Shirt size   (circle one) children   Small 6-8   Mediurm 10-12   Large 14-16  
                   (circle one)  Adult  Small    Medium    Large    X Large    XXL    XXXL

Entry Fee:    To be announced.

I know that running is a potentially hazardous activity.  I should not run unless I am medically able.  I agree to  abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the race.  I assume all risks associated with running in this event.                   *ALL REGISTRATION FORMS MUST BE SIGNED

____________________________          ______________________________________ 
Your Signature                                      Signature (parent or guardian if under 18 years
updated 4/13/05
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