RG6 Cables Mode to Order .10/ft plus $2 for the fittings

Cable Length Cost Cable Length Cost
1ft $2.10 cdn 10ft $3 cdn
50ft $7 cdn 75ft $9.50 cdn
100ft $12 cdn 200ft $22 cdn

Just email me at ssc@rogers.com to place an order or to add cables to an auction

If you purchase a dish, any cables you purchase will have free shipping.

If you are not purchasing a dish, take the highest single item shipping cost for the items you have purchased. Add the additional item cost for the item with the second highest shipping cost. Add $1 for each additional item purchased. This is the shipping charge for your total order.

For example
Items Purchased Shipping Cost
for First Cable
Shipping Cost
for Second Cable
Shipping Cost for
Additional Cables
1ft-10ft $8 cdn $4 cdn $1 cdn
10-100ft $10 cdn $4 cdn $1 cdn
100-200ft $15 cdn $4 cdn $1 cdn