The Ghetto Fab-u-lous Wedding

it may look unbelievable,

but something tells me this was quite real.

ms. claus gets her wedding on ....

you go grrrrrrrrrrl!


[ viewer feedback immediately following the reception in the fellowship hall ]




[ check out her baby brothers's cousin-in-law's sister Freeda's gold dress and shoes to match ]




[ I ain't mad at her .. but I'm sure these 217 dead rabbits are ]





[ they're gettin' to' up from the flo' up ]

[ groom's cake #1 ]

[ groom's cake #2 ]


[ don't even ask ]

[ they have the 'lectric slide up at the north pole too ]



questions, comments, fashion tips?

email us at GhettoFab


We here at GhettoFab appreciate your feedback -- whether it's positive or wack.  

Love the site?  You want to hate on us?  You saw the couple at Piggly Wiggly last week?   Holla at us.

We would also like to add that we have much love for the bride and groom, the wedding party, and even the lady in the gold lame' dress.   We hope they have a long and happy life together.  It's all good ... and we ain't mad at ya.    But we sure as hell gonna laugh.


Below are some of your comments ......


From: Boobie
Date:  Sun, 22 Dec 2002

Are you the jilted ex lover of the groom or bride?  Are you the groom's baby mama or bride's baby father?  Are you jealous it wasn't your wedding?  Have they done something so terrible to you?  Tell me what have they done that was sooo bad for you to make a mockery out of something so special to them.  Then maybe I can say "they deserve to be made fun of".

It was very inconsiderate and stupid of you to insult the couple who very well took the time to plan for a special milestone in their lives. 

The theme may not have been what I would have chosen and I probably would have talked about the wedding on my way home (which would be a normal human reaction), but I very well wouldn't have displayed a web site depicting the couple's wedding day as "GHETTO FAB."

It's horrible that their picture got into the wrong hands.  I hope one day the tables don't turn on you in the worst possible way you could ever imagine.

The couple choose the theme that they wanted, they included individuals, and items which represented them.  Not to mention that there was a lot of talent involved in the making of her dress and cakes.  I don't know their life story but who knows how it lead up to their day.
I'm pretty sure they are beautiful, good hearted people.  I pray that they have a long life of marital bliss!

I'll pray for you to not be so ill hearted towards individuals who are living their life and being happy.

You were wrrrrrrrong!



From: bbrown
Date:  Sun, 29 Dec 2002

i only have one thing to say , "NO MORE RED AT WEDDINGS"




From: marie
Date:  Fri, 20 Dec 2002

different, but tacky in taste.  i give credit for the idea and not being like every other married couple...




From: brenda
Date:  Fri, 13 Dec 2002

I just want to know was this a for real wedding? I can't believe someone actually put on a wedding like this. Where did you get the photos? Were you actually at the wedding? Are these your friends? Inquiring minds what to know. Do you have more of photos of weddings like this one? Sincerely, Can't believe what I saw



From: LaTisha
Date:  Wed, 11 Dec 2002

I like your wedding, I don't care what anybody say. Girl do your thang. The train was a bit much, but I feel you. Shake them haters off.



From: Maryann
Date:  Tue, 10 Dec 2002

That’s sad this poor girl probably went through a lot of money getting just the “right” look. More power to them!



From: Lenora
Date:  Wed, 4 Dec 2002

Looking at this thing makes my eyes run water. What in God's name was that? A circus, or a parade? I hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awful.



From: Lisa Ann
Date:  Tue, 3 Dec 2002

Did the wedding planner get fired yet ? I can not send this to enough people, anyone and everyone has been just amased and grossed out at the same time . I guess if one can imagine it , someone can produce it (unfortunately )



From: Divine
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002

Hey there, just want you to know that you inspired us to make a site, of ghetto weddings!

check us out at

we linked your site to us.  pass our site along, and if you want, post something in the guestbook.  Take care, and look forward to communicating with you in the future!



From: russ
Date:  Sun, 24 Nov 2002

How on earth did you get enough material to make all those dresses? The
Bride is a hippo and all her brides maids were equally as big. Has the
Brother always loved fat chicks? I have never seen so much ass. Mix in 
salad. or try this no thanks I'm full.



From: james
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002

Hey I don't think you should make fun of them just because their wedding is different. Maybe he's a pimp or something, plus it's highly original which contrasts with 99% of all other "cookie cutter" weddings.



From: divine
Date:  Tue, 19 Nov 2002

All I can say is HA HA HA HA HA!  Was this a real wedding?  and seriously, was that a real cake?  When some friends and I saw this site, we did not know whether to laugh or cry! 
From the massive wedding party to the fishbowl did other people at the wedding think?  That it was something nice or that it was overdone, or that it was ghetto? 
Do you know of any other sites like this?  Funny! 



From: diane
Date:  Sat, 27 Jul 2002

Firstly, someone forwarded this to me. I did not find it myself. It's not my tastes either but hey, it's love & they found each other.

With all the horrible, scary things going on in the world today, it's an abomination that you feel the need to mock a wedding.

You're an asshole.

Take a good look in the mirror & see what you need to change in order to make a positive difference.



From: crazy lady
Date:  Thu, 25 Jul 2002

This website is makin the rounds in our circle of friends as we speak!  Helping a friend plan her wedding this year!  Thanks for the inspiration....

The CrAzy Lady 



From: twain
Date:  Wed, 17 Jul 2002

HYSTERICAL!!!!  LOVED IT!!!!!!!  Sent it all around the world!   :oD



From: bbrown
Date:  Mon, 01 Jul 2002

this is the funniest web page i have ever seen.
i am literally sitting at my desk crying i am laughing so hard.

i really hope you have more in the works. 



From: elske
Date:  Mon, 24 Jun 2002

I've been having an awful day - first time I cracked a smile was when I
looked at this site and then burst out laughing at the 'lady in red' 




From: basulto
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002

You should be ashamed! 

These people may not have your "exquisite" taste and style, but they probably have more class than you do.  It's in poor taste to ridicule someone else's joy.   



From: enid
Date:  Wed, 29 May 2002

Simply Lovely. Love the Mrs. Claus theme. Red is such a hot color.
 Who did that cake?!! It leaves me speachless. Was it chocolate?



From: tracy
Date:  Thu, 23 May 2002

That wedding was more than ghetto, it was boughetto.  Who ever planned 
Christmas inspired event must have been drunk or half blind.



From: Choclathai
Date:  Tue, 30 Apr 2002

Just wanted to say, that was really ****** funny.  She had no business walking down the aisle with Mrs. Claus's gear.  Does Santa know she ripped his old lady off? (No presents for her this year!).  Anyway, that was triflin' and I'm embarrassed 4 her.



From: nurse
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 

me and my boiz GOTS TA KNOW!



From: gregory
Date:  Fri, 26 Apr 2002

Hi, I think it was wonderful that two people bonded under Gods will. Shall they be forever blessed and forever wed! As for the garments, cakes, etc.,  I see nothing wrong with them. As a matter of a fact I feel nothing but joy for them. Thank You for allowing me to comment. LOL;)-Me 



From: gary
Date:  Wed, 24 Apr 2002

I don't know if it was more pathetic than it was funny. Dear God that was alot of material - and I don't mean the train - I mean the material to go around Mrs. Claus's body. That groom must believe in the saying, "the more the cushion, the less the pushin' ". When he wants to have sex, he rolls her around in flour and looks for the wet spot. Half of those cakes was for the new bride. Did you see the little faces on the cakes. You couldn't see the front of the carriage, but it required the team of Budweiser Clydesdales to pull them away. The shot of the wedding party looks more like a photo of the choir. This was un-freakin'-believable. That's for sharing this. GASman



From: melissa
Date:  Wed, 17 Apr 2002

That is so PHUCCING funny - we're diggin' it in DC!



From: georgia
Date:  Fri, 29 Mar 2002

Good morning,

I was wondering, where did you find that beautiful dress?  I'm getting married this December and I would like to do a similar theme.  could you let me know? 

Thanks so much!



From: vickie
Date:  Fri, 15 Mar 2002

love will make you do things that seem right to you.  it take a lotta guts to take the color red and place it on a higher level.  lotta red.  lotta people in the party. lotta red.  i pray that it was worth it and that they are still married. happily married.  have a good one.



From: brenda
Date:  Wed, 13 Mar 2002

Did the bride have any sisters, best friends, cuzzin or mama's, to say no sweet that look is not for you?  Less is always more.



From: guavaphone
Date:  Mon, 11 Mar 2002

Tell me this was a southern wedding.  Only they know how to put it all together



From: hroberts
Date:  Fri, 08 Mar 2002

This sort of reminds me of something...

Does the word "ho" come to mind..... it does for me...

also reminds me of my Mom's 4th wedding.... or was it the 5th..

Thanks for the laugh.....



From: vanessa
Date:  Tue, 5 Feb 2002

A friend sent me the link to your page. That has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen. I can not believe that someone would think that was acceptable to do all that and to have a dress like that woman had.*GAG* I mean what the hell where they thinking. The sad thing is that you know she was all like yeah I look so damn good. *LOL* People really should get a wedding planner that is not in compton. *L*
Thanks for the laugh.


and don't forget about the GhettoFabHairdos

click here