Interdialogging with Rick:


Jacob, you caused me to think about some things in totally new ways.
I might add that Plato wrote that within the world of Forms, there is a certain hierarchy. At the top, the noblest of all, is the Idea of the Good; it dominates the other Ideas, and they participate in it. Beauty, symmetry, and truth are high-ranking Ideas. At times, they are placed almost on a par with the Good.

Rick, as I have remarked, I'm actually not interested in Plato's beliefs, but on the areas of his inquiries, the arcana that attract philosophers in search of essences. Did he consider symmetry as one of those essences? I can understand his putting the Good at the top, since I believe it is what moves us to altruism (as postulated in my essay on that subject), evolutionarily serving to configure the group, without which the human being is bereft of meaning. In Aramaic, there is the saying, "Give me companionship, or give me death." The creation of Eve was triggered by God's realization of the companion --"helpmate"-- needed by Adam. Such concept is, I believe, of great importance in Jewish mystical circles. Unwittingly, I touched on that subject in the course of an impromptu short speech in Hebrew, in front of many rabbis. I have described that experience in my essay on GOD'S UNFINISHED TASK. Yet it is only now, as I write this, that I make the connection! Thanks, Rick and Plato...

Jacob, below these are other Ideas I wish for you to consider the major virtues: Wisdom; Temperance; Courage; Justice, and Piety. You might like to write about those, as well.

Excellent suggestion, will try to do.