The Ultimate Star

I had learned the following:

1. A very heavy atom may be broken into smaller atoms, with the liberation of a large quantity of energy. This process is called fusion, being known as the principle of the Atomic Bomb.

2. Two molecules of hydrogen can be pressured into becoming one molecule of helium. This is known as fusion, being the principle of the Hydrogen Bomb, because the weight of the helium molecule is slighly less than the weight of the parent molecules. The difference in constituent matter is converted suddenly into even larger devastating energy. Stars, and everything else, exist because of this physical law.

3. At the end of their hydrogen fuel, stars classified as large are converted into entities known as neutron stars and black holes, the latter being even denser; all results of the intrinsic gravity pressure, depending on size (mass).

4. Not long ago it was postulated that even larger stars may undergo pressures capable of compressing the atomic nuclei even further, where only quarks will be present: these are the 'quark stars.' Now I had to imagine a further step, where the quarks are compressed, resulting in the liberation of their components, which I fancy are electrons and positrons.

5. Then I read on March (1999), that a phenomenon known as Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) was detected by the incredible intensity of its visible light, in a galaxy located some 12 billion light years away. This means, not too far away from the Big Bang. The energy released is said to be second in magnitude after the BB itself. The interpretation: a massive black hole slurped a large star and spit out the resulting energy.

6. Thus, I could for the first time realize that a long-standing question had been answered, to wit:

Q. If just a little bit of matter can release large amounts of energy, then 1 ml, or so, of H2O contains energy capable of blowing everything on Earth. But, does Nature provide an example of a large amount of matter converting into energy?
A. YES, because, the intensity of the light released from that GRB has been calculated to be more than the light from billion galaxies together!

7. Now I know that after the quark star stage there is only one step: being swallowed by a superblack hole and converting totally into energy: the whole spectrum of electromagnetic waves, and other particles, which I believe are electrons and positrons.