Why We Cannot SEE...

Some time ago I posted the following reply to a participant:

"About your information on theories of mind, dust and stuff, it sounds absurd.
As for the other subjects you mention as worth reading, I repeat: anything of value writen a long time ago, has been incorporated to universal knowledge.
Let there be this a chance to insist that D-SP does not judge. Thus, philosophies that touch on an angry God, the essentiality of morals, human responsiblity, the absurdity of life, pessimism, optimism, individual choice, and the like, do not find in me an interested ear.

I do not write, 'so and so said'...; by the same token, I do not expect reading, Jacob wrote, or, 'D-SP explains.' The person should say what he has learned, and only if asked, he might offer the source.
Obviously, I take pleasure and pride when people of sound judgment like you have the courage of making known their interest and appreciation for some of my writings. No doubt such manifestations are encouraging.

In fact, this morning I was thinking on what you wrote so touchingly, and, for some kind of association, I went back to a subject that has interested my mind: the umbilicus, and the blind spot of the retina. Both share the situation of being the place of connection to a creative source: the mother, and the optical nerve coming from the brain.
Suddenly, I had an epiphany: I had stopped at that point, believing that that was the end of the possibility of knowing more on those things: now I realized that we are blind about the origin of the Universe, because we are cut out of the originator from OUTSIDE of it! Then, again I felt that there cannot be 10 universes, but only 3, based on what I have written on the Geometrics Limiting Principle. However, until more is learned and understood, thinking of the Sierpinsky triangle, I thought that those three universes are part of of a series of 3... fractals?"

Since writing the above, I learned that the "universes" actually refer to "dimensions," of which 3 are universally recognized, making for the "3D" term. Relativity added Time as the 4th dimension, which does not sound a logical chord in my mind, for I consider Time as an abstraction, a function of energy.
Those who talk about the "10 uiverses" posit that only 4 of them (dimensions) are seen, because the others are "rolled up." I say, let us not waste time on such shenanigans of physiscists's minds!