"Mummy! Mummy! Come qwick!" Rosie dashed nimbly across the swaying rope bridge to the open-air platform where Windsong lay in a hammock, rocking herself absently with a footpaw, a handkerchief draped over her eyes. Rosie shook hammock the insistently, waving a scrap of paper in her other paw. "Mummy! Lookit what I founded!" Windsong opened one eye, squinted at the paper, and closed it again.
     "Very nice Rosie, jolly top hole, wot? Lovely piece o' paper there, go show yer aunties, they'll absolutely flip." Rosie scowled, and shook the hammock again.
     "Mummy, wake up! Iz not just a pieces o' paper, iz a map!"
     "A wot, Rosie luv?"
     "A mapded! Look, mummy, look!" Windsong opened her eye again. Slowly she opened the other eye. She started to sit up, but the hammock flipped, depositing her in an ungraceful heap on the wooden platform.
     "A'right, 'm up. Er, down, rather, actually. Now wot's all this 'bout a map?" Rosie waved the parchment under her nose.
     "Diz map!" Windsong took the scrap from the excited dibbun, and looked at it skeptically. She blinked, looked closer, and then looked up at Rosie. "Rosie luv," she said with a dramatic sigh, "you've gone an' woken yer poor mum up over a bunch of gibberish!"
     "Aw, now Windsong, don' go so 'ard on 'er, ye needed wakin' up anyways." Star stepped onto the platform, toting little Luke on her hip. "What gibberish is this, then?" Windsong handed her the paper. Star looked at it, then started laughing. She flipped it over and handed it back to Wind. "Windywoo-face, you 'ad it upside down!" Rosie was hopping up and down impatiently.
     "Wo'z it say, wo'z it say!"
     "Let's see..." Windsong squinted at the roughly drawn map, then grinned. "Well now Rosie, this says..."
Main Page (duh)

Shieldmaidens and Heroines

Who's Windsong? -why do I sometimes go by Windsong? Find out!

Books for a Rainy Day -a list of books I think everyone should read on a regular basis
Children's Books -9 through 13 (great read-alouds too!)
Teen Books
     Adult Books

Falling Rain -music to listen to while you read

Photo File -pictures of me, my wacky family, and my equally wacky friends
Charis & Angela -pictures of me and Angela through the years
Friend Photos -friend photos (duh)
Gaijin Photos -photos of those loony Ellisons in Japan
Papa -pictures of one of my favorite people
Rachel -pictures of my sister and former room mate
Sweet Sixteen! -pictures from the birthday party Erica, Catie, Irene, and Rachel had for me
Random Pictures -of me in an evening gown, enjoying the festivities at Readerville's online wedding shower for Zannachan and Dangerboy, and a cute picture of Rachel. 

Quote Collection -a collection of my favorite (duh) quotes from various sources

Links! -links (duh) to some of my favorite sites

The Epic -a rather long rambling about plots and characters and such for The Epic, which WILL get written.  Someday. 

uSeLlEsS iNfOrMaTiOn -lots of you-know-what-don't-you about you-know-who-don't-you that you-didn't-want-to-know-did-you? ;)

Guestbook -SIGN IT! SIGN IT NOW! Oh, er...ahem. 

This is Luna, the cat of the 3 Sisterz Wyrd.  Click on him to return to this page