Just For Fun

About Our New Office
Members of the Order who Just Don't Know It
For Those Who Want to Do the Legal Thing
Speaking of the Legal Thing . . .
Other People's' SoapBoxes
I Think I've Found a Saint!

About Our New Office

The Holy Order of Our Lady of Debauchery now has an office! It may not be as fast as Kinko's, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper! "Stella", our Office Person, is in actuality a Canon MultiPass 3000 -- she scans, faxes, and copies in grayscale, and prints in full color. Eventually, when we figure it out, she'll be able to distinguish between a fax call and a phone call, so when you call with either it won't be a hassle; till then, call before you fax so we don't have to hear that noise in our ear.

Stella isn't really busy at the moment, so she's willing to do work on the side. If you have any work that you would like to have her tackle, just drop us a note about what you'd like done and we can talk about price -- cost of materials plus a donation towardds ink and time. We've created full-color business cards for the Mother Superior and the Grand Inquisitor, and can make some for you for a "minor modest fee"; we have also helped a couple of friends with printing and faxing resumes in exchange for barter items.

Members of the Order who Just Don't Know It

We've had a lot of fun over here in Grithold, the Main Chapter House of the Order, watching TV and movies and pointing out to each other which actors or characters are members of the Order who just don't know it yet. (It probably started with watching Muppet movies and pointing out lines that proved that Gonzo was the Holy Icon.) A list of these people follows, so that you can have more examples of what the Order is all about.
     If you have any ideas for additions to the list, or questions about why people are on it, just Email and ask.

Dharma Finkelstein (Dharma and Greg)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Sheriff Bart (Blazing Saddles)
Comicus & Josephus (History of the World, Part I)
George Primate (George of the Jungle)
Timon & Pumba (Lion King)
Long John Silver (Muppet Treasure Island)
Han Solo (Star Wars)
Drew Carey & Friends (The Drew Carey Show)
Axel Foley (Beverly Hills Cop)
Robin Williams
Mork from Ork (Mork & Mindy)
Ferris Buehler (Ferris Buehler's Day Off)
Br. William of Baskerville (Name of the Rose)
Madmartigan (Willow)
Bill Preston & Ted Logan (Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)
Peter Banning (at the end -- Hook)
Josh Taylor & Ivan Alexeev (TapeHeads)
Sam (Benny & Joon)
Sam Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
"Weird Al" Yankovic
Willy Wonka

For Those Who Want to Do the Legal Thing

The Mother Superior and Grand Inquisitor are trying to get themselves set up to do the Legal Thing; we want to be able, when asked, to perform ceremonies that the State will actually recognize. We have yet to settle things with the State, but we are now recognized as ministers of the Universal Life Church, and we recommend them to any of our members who are thinking of doing the same thing.

Their Web site is www.ulc.org/ulc/, and they will ordain anyone as a minister on the Internet for free, since anyone seeking ordination has already been ordained by God. Their basic tenet of faith is the First Amendment; they will not stand between you and your God, and many pagans and even atheists have been ordained through their ministry, although they basically look at things from a Christian point of view. Their Web site has some of their policies and philosophies, as well as the Ordination page and a list of other things to order from them. It's worth a look.

Speaking of the Legal Thing . . .

The Mother Superior and Grand Inquisitor, upon hearing that what they were trying to spread was a Good Thing and might be popular outside of the Current Middle Ages, are seriously considering filing for 501(c)3 status -- the tax-exempt religious organization thhing that will let us deduct some of our mailing, Web site, and printing costs. We are going to start putting out a "little box," as in, "please to put your Contribution in. . . .", and we are reversing our donation policy -- now we will take them, either in cash or barter or in kind (blank paper, etc.). If we do file for this legal status, it will probably cost us around $150, so we need all the help we can get!

Other People's' SoapBoxes

If I get to write stuff and try to spread it around as a Good Thing, and someone else is doing the same, it only makes my job easier, right? Right! So, if you are interested in reading some Really Good Stuff, I invite you to check out this Dharma & Greg Website (http://people.ne.mediaone.net/aseret/dharma/vanitycard.html). This URL actually points to a sub-page -- the list of Vanity Cards that have appeared at the end of the episodes. Instead of his picture or a piece of animation, he prints a whole screen of his beliefs. Loyal viewers tape the show, freeze-frame the Vanity Card, and type them out so that we can find them on the Web. This is some of the best stuff that I've read in a while; I highly recommend it.
     I also invite you to send in suggestions for places to read other such nifty stuff. In fact, I would love to build up a list of links suggested by members as having Stuff of Interest for the Order; we'll check them out and post them up.

I Think I've Found a Saint!

We in Grithold will watch just about anything fun, especially if it evokes fond memories. So when Fox Family Channel started running Mork & Mindy during weekdays, we of course were right there -- and we got a bit of a surprise. The show was actually better than we remembered! Mork might well be named a Saint of the Order, if the rest of the stuff is as good as we've seen so far. How unhappy can I be about a show with a SoapBox at the end of every episode? And the wonderful, astute, childlike observations about our world, our culture, and ourselves . . . I'll stop ranting now. If you can see it, it would be a Good Thing!