
              Elbows. Everybody has elbows. I have elbows. You have elbows. There are millions and millions of elbows in the world. There are many types of elbows: fat elbows, skinny elbows, pointy elbows, rounded elbows, boney elbows, and fleshy elbows. Elbows can be considered weapons in that when you are hit with an elbow, it will hurt... a lot. Elbows can be hurt too. They can be banged on tables, chairs, or small monkeys. When this happens, they will bruise, but they will heal. They may not hurt after a while, but they'll still be black and blue.

             Some people have double-jointed elbows. They means they can bend them backwards a little bit. I do not have double-jointed elbows. It is sometimes believed that those who have double-jointed elbows possess certain elbow powers that others lack. They are able to shoot sparks and stuffed giraffes from a special portal that is exposed when they bend their elbows backwards. These "double-jointies" are a threat and should be ostracized from our society.

           Also in the elbow is the funny bone. If you hit this part of the elbow on something it will tingle and people will point and laugh at your clumsy ass. But don't worry, soon they will do something just as stupid and you can laugh right back at them. They might trip on a salamander or do some other such clumsy thing. But back to elbows. Elbows are very useful but since I am running out of paper, you will have to find a book called The Many Uses Of the Elbow and other Double-Jointed Tales, by me... which means I will have to write it... oh blast.

Copyright Sarah G.

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