Tips on Obsessing

--Remember what your obsession wore so you can dress them up in your dreams, (and undress later is also an option)...But do not follow them and tear off their articles of clothing for actual use.

--It's okay to find out where their classes are, but don't go into the classes and sit right next to them pretending you've always been in that class.

--Find out who their friends are, but don't walk up to them and pretend like you've always been their friend and they just don't remember.

--Finding out where they live is okay, but do not actually follow them into their house. They may be a bit suspicious at that point.

--Freaking out whenever you see them is perfectly acceptable, as long as they do not see you doing it.

--If they look within 2 feet of your general vicinity, it is okay to presume they are staring at you, but not okay to presume they're undressing you with their eyes.

Copyright Megan C.

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