Gia's Bio

Ever since getting to Port Charles Gia has had a big impact! After being caught by
Nikolas and Lucky while blackmailing Emily, she quickly became a part of the GHTeen operation. She helped the Teens figure out who killed Ted… the undercover cop, and help “plant the body” After that Gia moved in with Prince Nik, in his cute cabin.

But there was a little secret Gia was keeping from Nik, every time Detective Marcus Taggert walked bye Gia swept Nik up into a romantic kiss, well everyone else was in awe, she was thinking how can I get away from him. Well lying to Nik saying that she didn’t like cops. But soon the secret came out, Taggert was her brother!

So after that whole thing was figured up, Carly asked Gia to try out as the Face of Deception, and a big problem started between Gia and Liz, but as that whole thing is being figured out, it undeniable that there is a chemistry between Nik and Gia.

Within the last month, Nik and Gia have been kissing frequently but trying to denial all the feelings between them. Now, what will happen since recently they were very close to making love, and then they did. But the next morning Gia and Nik agreed that it would never happen again, but do they really want it to never happen?

(Even though Gia claims to NOT want to be anything more then
Roomies- why does she have the little smile on her face
about Valentines Night?)

Nik's Bio

(as of the summer 2000)

After finding his friend Emily, next to a dead body, Nik and his brother Lucky, took it into there own responsibly to find out how this happen. To do this they hid the body of the undercover cop, Ted Wilson. But thinking that no one had seen this, they find out the Emily is being blackmailed. So after Nik uses some of his money to pay the blackmailer, they decide to catch him and find out what he knows.

But when they get there, they find none other then Gia Campbell, a tall bratty girl, blackmailing ‘um. So after catching her and using her to help them catch Zander Smith, the “so called” murder, Nik and Gia moved in together.

For the next couple months, Nik was in between still being in love with Liz or falling for Gia. But Nik and Gia then start kissing and more and more they are falling for each other. But the two of them are both denying there feelings, but on Valentines Day Nik and Gia made out... Then they promised each other that they can't do that anymore and they only did it because it was Valentines. But, does Nik want to be just Roomies?

(Nik, the day after Valentines, when Gia told him they were only Roomates-
GIA- Let Nik tell ya what HE really wants! (hint-U!))

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