;Breath Low

Welcome to my personal site/blog. I hope you have a nice stay in here.Feel free to navigate and see all the content that I offer you. However,I do expect from you respect,if you don't like something in here, I don't care, this is a corner where I can post whatever stuff I want to, 100% my shit.Anyway, sorry if I seem to rude, Im n not :).


Paola.Weird.Bakura lover.Anime.Jack Sparrow.Lacuna Coil.H.I.M.black.oriental.egyptian. blood.vampires.gravitation.yaoi <3. sarcastic. funny.friendly.Gerard Way.internet.naïve. thinspiration.creative.writer.fan fiction. darkness.loneliness.smiling. random.girl...
More stuff?

What makes me feel?

Date: 10-05-04
Time: 5:35 PM
Feeling: Normal =)
Wearing: Red chaquet,pink jeans
Listening to: My voice =)
Last thing ate/drank: Special K,and milk
Thinking about: Gerardo

;Make me important


Ocean Navigation



Site Opened: March,?,2004
Webmistress: Paola
Layout Version: Keira Knightley

The horror

This layout is Ft.Lindsay Lohan,I have to admit Im a BIF FAN of Lindsay =) I make the image 100% me =)

Since 1990

Well,I open this site for people come and see how freak I am,I really hate web designing but still I make it (thats why Im a freak)but here Iam.

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