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We are currently planning to head to the Many Islands Campground on the scenic Spring River in Arkansas on the weekend of May 18th and 19th.  If you’re not sure this will be a worthwhile way to use your valuable time off, ask some of the guys about the last few trips.

Families are welcomed, but I wouldn’t suggest sending a small child down this river.   It’s generally placid, but there are a couple of rapids/falls that tend to cause people to get wet.  Injuries and life-long scarring have resulted from some spills in the river.

If you are interested in this excursion (and your name isn't already written on my white-board), please send Gil a message at:

For info on rates for canoe rental & camping, click the big ole Many Islands logo. If you want a cabin, you'd better call to reserve it now.

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The Schedule

Saturday, May 18

Sunday, May 19

Of course, you can choose not to camp and be a day-tripper.  You can even choose to drive up on your own & try to locate the rest of us -- we're planning to camp downstream from the store this time.  Some of us are planning to go up on Friday to get in an extra night of sleeping on the ground and cooking in a fire. It's up to you.

What should you bring on the trip?  That depends on whether or not you intend to camp.   If you're camping, you need "Camping Stuff" in addition to the items listed here.  This isn't a complete list, but these items are essential.

2 pair of shoes.  One for the river, one to wear when you get back to Many Islands.  The "river shoes" will get wet. Drinks.  Cokes, Water, Gatorade or anything else you might want to drink in a boat.  No glass bottles.

Snacks.  Sandwiches.  Something for lunch.  Hint: Ziplock bags are a good idea...

Cooler.  Preferably one with a lid that locks shut.  Otherwise, your food & drinks stand a good chance of being liberated by the river. Rope or Bungee cords.  You have to connect your cooler to the canoe with something.  Otherwise, your cooler stands a good chance of being liberated by the river.


Bug spray.  Off.  DEET.  Whatever you like best. A towell and a second set of clothes.  Leave these in the car.  You'll probably want to change into something dry.

Quarters.  Cold showers are free. Hot water costs 25c. 

Jody says that any man taking his wife/girlfriend down this river should seriously consider purchasing a very nice gift for her.  She may not be your friend for a few days after this experience....  Strange advice from someone who enjoys the trip so much.

Some folks have been wondering who's planning on making this trip.  So far, we have a few definites and several possibles.  Among these are:

Me, Lan, Jim, Maurice, Patrick, Faheem, Jody, J-Gib, Reno, Chuck, Ashworth, Jahan, Phil, Mac, Glinda, Mike...  If you're going & your name isn't there, let me know so that we'll know to look for you on Saturday morning. If your name is in this list and you aren't going, let me know so we don't wast time waiting for you.  Got a friend who wants to come?  Bring 'em along.


These pictures are from our first trip.  We didn't take the camera down the river with us, so all we have are the pics Ken took at the Cold Springs Access put-in.  You can see the most recent trip here.

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You can tell Tony's a little nervous by the fact that he got in the canoe facing the wrong way....

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Maurice is obviously the most experienced boatman among us.  But he says he won't be wearing overalls on the next trip.

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People were actually afraid of Dave in his commando gear.  The first aid kit came in handy, though.

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I believe Jahan is giving some pointers here.

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Heil Ken!    ?

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