Other surnames I am currently researching:

Holmes of Gwinnett & Hall Counties, GA & Oconee County, SC
Gibson of Chesterfield County, SC
Porter of Chesterfield County, SC & Anson County, NC
Sutton & Grizzle of Lumpkin & Habersham Counties, GA & Rutherford County, NC
Swafford of Gwinnett County, GA
Harbin & Stone of Oconee County, SC
Sabon, Lyon, Pastion, Picault, Danielo, of France
Others researching this Gilbert Family:

Linda Pendergrass - descendant of Francis Marion Gilbert and Mary Anna Sutton
Gary Gilbert - descendant of Jasper Norman Gilbert and Hannah Davis

We currently have an email group of those researching
this Gilbert family.  If you are connected and wish to join,
email Linda, Gary or myself.
Family pages that connect with our line:

Sutton Family
Gilbert Surname Resources

Gilbert surname genealogy

Rootsweb Gilbert Mailing List
with instructions to join or search messages

Georgia Dept. of Archives and History

Georgia GenWeb Archives

South Carolina Dept. of Archives and History

South Carolina GenWeb Archives

Old Pendleton District Genealogical Society

North Carolina State Archives

North Carolina GenWeb Archives
If there is anything you would like to see on this site,
please send me an email and I will include it.