Whats in a cigarette

A supportive relationship with someone caring and understanding can make the smoker feel more secure and can help provide the motivation for change. whats in a cigarette Phentermine very cheap. Don't tell smokers what to do; encourage them to do what they think is best. Progress can occur only when they want to do something about their smoking. "The key to training a friend to cut down or quit is to totally ignore all the bothersome or offensive apects of his or her smoking behavior, while giving positive reinforcement for periods of nonsmoking," says Karen Pryor, author of Don't Shoot the Dog: How to Improve Yourself and Others through Behavioral Training (Bantam, 1985). whats in a cigarette How-to-quit-cigarette-smoking. Love and understanding are particularly important in the days and weeks immediately after quitting. Here are 10 guidelines for supporting someone during this difficult time:1. "Adopt" the quitter by offering to provide whatever support you can (preparing food, cleaning house, doing laundry, etc. whats in a cigarette Smoking quit tips. ). 2. Make yourself available as frequently as possible for those first few days. Be prepared for hostile or bizarre behavior. 3. Arrange to see the person regularly for several weeks after he or she quits. 4. Help your adoptee keep as far away from smokers and cigarettes as possible. 5. Consider giving up something yourself-candy, dessert, coffee- for the first days or weeks of the person's new life to show you care. 6. Encourage the quitter to talk about feelings, and listen sympathetically and supportively without judging or offering advice. 7. Send flowers or take the person out to dinner (no-smoking section, of course) to celebrate the first week or month. 8. Offer direct or indirect rewards for continued abstinence ($50 to the quitter after 100 days or $50 to someone he or she loves). 9. If you're a smoker, promise that you won't smoke in the person's presence (the smell of smoke can tempt a recent quitter). 10. Smoking together can be an important part of a friendship. Show your adoptee you care by working to develop other activities you can enjoy together. After you quit"Even with the best preplanning, quitting is an extremely unsettling experience. It may feel as if some body dropped a bomb on your life. " -anonymous smokerPhysical and psychological symptoms of nicotine withdrawal vary widely from person to person, but they usually peak by the second or third day and diminish thereafter. Physical symptoms include an increased appetite, coughing, sweating, muscle aches and cramps, constipation or diarrhea, nausea, headaches, sleep disturbances, weight gain, forgetfulness, lack of concentration and of alertness.

Whats in a cigarette

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