Gilda Susan Radner was born on June 20th 1946. she lived in detroit with her mother and father and brother Micheal. even when she was little she showed outstanding skills in perfoming when micheal and her made movies with their mothers camcorder. Gilda was extremely close with her father and her world was shattered when he died while Gilda was only twelve. his death, caused by cancer instilled a fear of the disease in young gilda. gilda's teen years were spent attending Ligget girls school. She was an extremely over weight teen and once a blind date reportedly said "you do realize i cant take you out right??" this lead to twenty years of an eating disorder. when she graduated high school she began attending the university of michagan. but dropped out to move to canada with her boyfriend. while in canada she joined the second city comedy troupe where she met john belushi who later convinced her to move to new york with him and star in a new NBC show called Saturday Night Live. While working on the show Gilda was dubbed "americas sweetheart" thanks to her well known characters like emily litella, roseanne roseannadanna, lisa loopner, judy miller, and more. in 1980 she left the show to pusue a film career. on her first film (hanky panky) she met Gene Wilder and fell in love. the two had an on and off relationship for two years until gilda's beloved dog sparkle "tried to commit suicide because gene wasnt marrying gilda" unfortunately Gilda was diagnosed with cancer and fought it bravely until it got the best of her in 1989 in the month she loved the most because of the blooming flowers. it is best not to remember gilda as how she died, but rather how she lived...touching many lives and bringing laughter to us all. gilda we miss you!!!