Delicious Ambiguity
Gilda wasnt the only one with Delicious Ambiguity. enter the contest and write me an e mail on what you think  Delicious Ambiguity is..what does it mean to you and how do you have it??? all entries will be posted here and i will decide a winner. the prize wont be great...but go ahead and try anyways type it in the box below!!!
Delicious Ambiguity is that quality to ones life that keeps you
optimistic through the hard times.  Since one never knows what
is comming up next in their life, there is always that ambiguous
thought that no matter how terrible a situation may be,
it can always get better.  I belive in this delicious ambiguity.
I have had a few hardships in my life and each time
i think of this phrase and it helps me to get thru  it all.
Why worry about the past when ur furute cna be filled
with delicous ambiguity.
It is the uncertainity, the not knowing what will happen but, continuing ahead. Moving forward through doubt. Facing the doubt in life, being brave enough to push on through uncertainty, Being optimistic and fearless. Know it will be troubled ahead but moving on to face it and overcome it. That is Delicious Ambuquity.