About Me


Home About Me Astronomie Inginerie-Auto



"Motto: "Don't wait for me

A while , I'll hang among the stars"

Next to Meade LX50


Name : Virgil Chiriac


Nickname: Gili


Age: 21


Occupation: student in 3rd year, 

  Automotive Engineering


Hobby: astronomy and its

               branches, autos


Description:  dreamer, a little shy, 

  average intelligence, lazy, atheist etc



Me and astronomy...

Well, the fire is burning for a long time inside me, and it started a long time ago with the appearance of comet Haley in '86, but I didn't grow my passion until the last years in high school, when I've read some books. I started using the internet more seriously at the beginning of 2002; it was disappointing as I haven't fount any Romanian astronomical organization. But then I've heard on TV about "Astroclubul Bucuresti", and contacting them on the net and to my surprise I've found a very good and complex organization of Romanian astronomy lovers. So, in July-August 2002 I went in the astronomy camp "Perseide 2002" were I've met a lot of new people dedicated to astronomy, making lots of new friends. The story goes on in present: now I'm trying to improve my astronomy knowledge's and to stay in touch with the Romanian astronomical society. .


Copyright © 2002  Virgil Chiriac. All rights reserved. Revised: 03 Ian 2003 . Recommended  1024x768 screen area.