Name of story, Author and author e-mail are required. While a summary is not required, be advised a story might stand more chance of being read if there's a summary. Within this summary, a pairing (Lorelai/Luke, Dean/Rory) may be placed.

I also do not require a rating. All stories are automatically tagged PG, unless otherwise noted by the author. Likewise, if no setting is given, I will insert the Season number in that space. Although, if your story references an episode, please list the episode title for those who avoid spoilers.

Because it's easier, I would like all submissions to be 'text' formatted. Also, for ease of reading, your paragraphs should be either indented, or there should be a space between them. Remember, when a new person speaks, it starts a new paragraph.

FINAL NOTE: Some stories aren't complete, these stories are marked with IN PROGRESS. I'm contemplating a time limit on completing an these stories, so e-mail me with your thoughts on that.